Tealium releases new product innovations: AIStream™, Consent 2.0, and advanced integrations with lea
Organizations can now accelerate AI outcomes, all while honoring global data privacy requirements
San Diego, Feb. 27, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Tealium, the leading intelligent real-time data streaming platform, today announced new product innovations, including AIStream™ and Consent 2.0, to allow global enterprises to accelerate AI outcomes and better adapt to changing data privacy requirements.
Tealium’s AIStream™ fuels AI models with high-quality data which empowers enterprises with enhanced predictive insights. As a real-time data orchestration platform, AIStream™ enables data labeling, transformation, and enrichment within the streaming pipeline before it reaches the data warehouse. This ensures AI models are trained on consented, cleaned, and enriched data while also activating AI-driven insights back into the real-time customer experience (CX) layer. With built-in identity resolution and privacy enforcement at every customer touchpoint, AIStream™ helps businesses maximize AI potential while maintaining compliance and control.
For instance, global hospitality company, Barceló Hotel Group, is leveraging Tealium for its AI initiatives to better serve its customers through next-best actions.
“Barceló leverages Tealium to capture user navigation data in real-time, enabling our decisioning algorithms to deliver the next-best offer while simultaneously informing our Call Center,” said Marina Amer, Analytics & Visualization Manager at Barceló Hotel Group. “This integration enhances the customer experience by providing more personalized and timely interactions.”
Tealium also released the following product innovations and platform updates:
- The Consent 2.0 Suite: Simplifies data privacy management by enhancing preference controls, real-time consent enforcement, and seamless compliance with global privacy regulations while ensuring comprehensive consent capture across all touchpoints. Key updates include expanded support for Consent Management Platforms (CMPs) and integrations that unify consent decisions across all capture tools. Additionally, enhanced consent orchestration ensures that user preferences are consistently applied across the entire data ecosystem, reducing friction and improving compliance efficiency.
- Advanced Streaming Integrations: Tealium’s integrations with leading cloud data warehouses power the modern CDP use cases by enabling real-time, composable data strategies that adapt to evolving business needs. These integrations ensure seamless data synchronization between the warehouse and customer touchpoints, unlocking greater agility and precision in customer engagement.
- Enhanced Platform Usability & Collaboration: These enhancements include version history and concurrent user support, more informative Connectors UX with bulk actions, streamlined New Attribute UX, scalable new audience sizing, and AI-powered attribute search and suggestions. These upgrades allow users to complete tasks faster, reduce manual efforts, and leverage AI for smarter data management.
“As AI is deployed across front, middle, and back office systems, having consented, intelligent data streams has become mission critical,” said Jeff Lunsford, CEO at Tealium. “By ensuring compliance with Consent 2.0 and adding intelligence and data enrichment into our pipelines with AIStream™, Tealium is empowering our customers to thrive in this new reality where speed, personalization, efficiency and trust must all coexist.”
Hear these new product updates live at Tealium’s annual global Digital Velocity Conferences in San Diego (North America), London (EMEA), and Sydney (APJ). Learn more and register.
To keep up with the latest company news, visit Tealium’s Newsroom.
About Tealium
Tealium helps companies collect, govern, and enrich their customer data in real-time to power AI initiatives and delight customers in the moments that matter. Tealium’s turnkey integration ecosystem supports more than 1,300 built-in connections from the world’s most prominent technology experts. Tealium’s solutions include a real-time customer data platform (CDP) with intelligent AI data streaming, tag management, and an API hub. Tealium’s data collection, management, and activation capabilities enable enterprises to accelerate operating performance, enhance customer experiences, drive better outcomes, and support global data compliance. Named as a Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant for Customer Data Platforms™, more than 850 leading businesses globally trust Tealium to power their customer data strategies. For more information, visit www.tealium.com.
Natalie Passarelli Tealium Inc. natalie.passarelli@tealium.com
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