Esaote presents the new portable ultrasound system MyLab C30 at the European Congress of Radiology
VIENNA, Feb. 28, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A newborn ultrasound series designed with a clear project in mind: ease-of-use, maximum portability and cleanability, together with the excellence in image quality. It is MyLabC-Series, the new portable ultrasound line presented by the Italian medical innovator group Esaote at the European Congress of Radiology (Ecr) in Vienna. At the venue, all eyes were on the latest item added to the series: MyLab C30, targeting radiologists and, particularly, interventional practice, thanks to the unique cleanable control panel, gesture-driven touchscreen, together with a complete probes portfolio and AI-driven tools.
“MyLab C30 is the top end of our portable line. It is the product dedicated to the radiology environment with a particular focus in interventional thanks to the brand new completely redesigned control panel that is totally cleanable and the ease of use that is leveraged on the artificial intelligence tool. All of this combined with the maximum level of image quality is elevating our experience in the portable segment. We know that today there is a growing need to provide health care everywhere. So there is the need for portable and mobile solutions that can change and face the most challenging environment, like for instance the emergency department but also the critical care and point of care. And that's why the second system, MyLab C25, was born. So we renewed completely our portfolio and this is the last piece of puzzle that is renewing our compact segment with MyLab C series,” explained Martina Cereseto, Esaote Ultrasound Product Marketing Manager.
Together with the MyLabC25, Esaote's new Ultrasound C-series combines portability with excellent performance and Italian design, with a cleanable touch keyboard and a gesture-enabled trackpad for a smooth, efficient workflow. AI is instrumental in supporting advanced abdominal, prostate and breast applications, enabling radiologists to perform accurate, minimally invasive interventions with enhanced procedural confidence and outcomes.
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