Quectel Expands Its Quad-Band High-Precision Positioning Portfolio With the New LG680P GNSS Module a
Quectel Wireless Solutions, a global leader in IoT and GNSS technology, has announced the launch of the LG680P, a multi-constellation, quad-band GNSS module designed to deliver high-precision positioning across a wide range of applications including precision agriculture, intelligent robots and surveying.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250302737382/en/
The Quectel LG680P GNSS module is designed to receive signals from multiple global navigation satellite systems, including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou (BDS), QZSS, and NavIC, ensuring exceptional positioning accuracy and reliability. With multi-band GNSS support, it concurrently receives L1, L2, and L5 bands, enhancing signal quality and precision. The module will also support Galileo E6, QZSS L6, and BDS B2b for Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technology, delivering high precision accuracy without requiring for local or broadband connectivity.
“The LG680P represents a major leap in high-precision GNSS technology, combining multi-constellation reception, advanced RTK algorithms, and robust anti-jamming capabilities,” said Norbert Muhrer, President and CSO, Quectel Wireless Solutions. “This module is designed to meet the evolving demands of industries that require ultra-reliable and highly accurate positioning.”
The LG680P can achieve horizontal accuracy of up to 0.8 cm + 1 ppm, ensuring a stable and reliable performance even in challenging urban environments, making it an ideal choice for applications such as autonomous lawnmowers, delivery robots, surveying, and precision agriculture. The module has also been tested with dual-band corrections, ensuring backward compatibility with existing systems that rely on dual-band technology. While quad-band corrections provide the most optimized performance, this capability allows the module to seamlessly replace older dual-band systems, offering enhanced precision and futureproofing without requiring immediate infrastructure changes.
The LG680P GNSS module features professional-grade anti-jamming and interference detection algorithms, ensuring signal integrity even in complex electromagnetic environments. Its built-in NIC anti-jamming technology effectively suppresses multiple narrow-band interferences, enhancing signal reception and stability. The module also supports fast positioning updates with a refresh rate of up to 20 Hz, enabling real-time tracking and improved responsiveness.
With a 22mm x 17mm footprint, the module adopts a widely used industry form factor and supports multiple interfaces, including UART, SPI, I2C, and CAN, ensuring seamless integration across diverse platforms. The module is also designed for optimized signal reception, with support for external active antennas to enhance positioning accuracy. Additionally, its low power consumption, with tracking power usage as low as 330 mW, makes it an energy-efficient solution ideal for battery-operated devices, ensuring extended operational life and reliable performance.
Quectel offers two external full-band GNSS antennas compatible with the LG680P: the YEGR001W8AH, a high precision geodetic GNSS antenna with versatile mounting options, and the YEGD006U1A, a high precision compact patch antenna designed for reliable, high-precision positioning.
Visitors to MWC Barcelona and Embedded World Munich can learn more about the LG680P and other Quectel products at the Quectel stand. At MWC Barcelona, Quectel will be at Stand 5A19, while at Embedded World, attendees can find the stand at Stand 3-318. To schedule a meeting, attendees are invited to book an appointment here.
About Quectel
Quectel’s passion for a smarter world drives us to accelerate IoT innovation. A highly customer-centric organization, we are a global IoT solutions provider backed by outstanding support and services. Our growing global team of 5,600 professionals sets the pace for innovation in cellular, GNSS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules as well as antennas and services.
With regional offices and support across the globe, our international leadership is devoted to advancing IoT and helping build a smarter world.
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