LambdaTest and KineticSkunk™ Forge Strategic Partnership to Elevate Testing and Innovation
Collaboration to Enhance Testing Capabilities, Drive Product Quality, and Streamline Processes for Businesses Worldwide
San Francisco, March 04, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LambdaTest, a leading cloud-based unified testing platform has announced a strategic partnership with KineticSkunk™, a pioneer in DevOps, DevSecOps, and Observability solutions. This collaboration is set to enhance software testing capabilities, improve product quality, and streamline digital transformation processes for businesses globally.
By combining LambdaTest's cutting-edge cloud testing infrastructure with KineticSkunk™'s expertise in DevOps and DevSecOps, the partnership will empower organizations with advanced, efficient, and scalable testing solutions. The alliance also underscores a shared commitment to innovation and social responsibility, ensuring that businesses not only achieve operational excellence but also contribute to a more inclusive digital future.
"At LambdaTest, we believe that great software is built on a foundation of seamless testing and continuous innovation. Partnering with KineticSkunk™ allows us to bring that vision to life by combining our strengths in cloud testing with their deep expertise in DevOps and security. Together, we're not just optimizing testing—we're helping businesses ship quality software faster, smarter, and with confidence," said Mohit Juneja, VP Strategic Sales and Partnerships, LambdaTest.
Echoing this sentiment, Donovan Mulder, Chief Executive Officer, KineticSkunk™, stated, "At KineticSkunk™, we are committed to driving innovation in DevOps, DevSecOps, and Observability to help businesses achieve seamless digital transformation. Partnering with LambdaTest allows us to extend our expertise and deliver cutting-edge testing solutions that enhance software quality, security, and speed to market. Together, we are not just shaping the future of testing—we are enabling organizations to build resilient, high-performing software ecosystems with confidence."
As part of this strategic collaboration, LambdaTest and KineticSkunk™ hosted an exclusive round-table event in Cape Town, bringing together industry leaders to discuss key trends and challenges in software testing, automation, and DevSecOps. The event provided valuable insights into how organizations can future-proof their software development and testing strategies.
Customers and affiliates of both companies will benefit from a seamless integration of advanced testing frameworks and DevSecOps solutions, ensuring faster release cycles, enhanced security, and improved software reliability. By leveraging each other's strengths, LambdaTest and KineticSkunk are poised to set new benchmarks in software testing and development.
About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is an AI-native, omnichannel software quality platform that empowers businesses to accelerate time to market through intelligent, cloud-based test authoring, orchestration, and execution. With over 15,000 customers and 2.3 million+ users across 130+ countries, LambdaTest is the trusted choice for modern software testing.
- Browser & App Testing Cloud: Enables manual and automated testing of web and mobile apps across 5,000+ browsers, real devices, and OS environments, ensuring cross-platform consistency.
- HyperExecute: An AI-native test execution and orchestration cloud that runs tests up to 70% faster than traditional grids, offering smart test distribution, automatic retries, real-time logs, and seamless CI/CD integration.
- KaneAI: The world's first GenAI-native testing agent, leveraging LLMs for effortless test creation, intelligent automation, and self-evolving test execution. It integrates directly with Jira, Slack, GitHub, and other DevOps tools.
For more information, please visit,
About KineticSkunk™
KineticSkunk™ is a leader in DevOps, DevSecOps, and Observability, offering tailor-made solutions for business efficiency and security. With a strong commitment to social responsibility, KineticSkunk™ develops talent from disadvantaged backgrounds into top professionals while delivering cutting-edge technology solutions that drive business success.
For more information, please visit:
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