ORBCOMM® announces OGx enhancements to improve satellite IoT accessibility
With faster message speeds, larger message sizes and lower costs, solution providers can build and deploy better satellite IoT solutions
ROCHELLE PARK, N.J., March 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ORBCOMM today announced a major upgrade to its OGx satellite IoT service that enables larger and faster messages more cost-effectively, empowering solution providers to offer innovative satellite IoT applications that were previously cost-prohibitive.
ORBCOMM: the next generation of satellite IoT
ORBCOMM's next-generation OGx satellite IoT service supports faster and larger messages more cost-effectively, empowering solution providers across agriculture, transportation, maritime, oil and gas and more.
OGx can now support messages as large as 16 kB at speeds up to four times faster than ORBCOMM’s previous IDP satellite service. OGx’s ability to transmit larger files—such as images, over-the-air updates, data logs and more—without having to split them into smaller pieces drastically simplifies data transfers. This can eliminate the need for manual device updates, conserve device power and enhance overall business operations for solutions leveraging the OGx service.
“With these enhancements, OGx delivers the messaging capabilities that solution providers need to build new and better solutions for their customers across agriculture, transportation, maritime, oil and gas, heavy equipment, mining and more,” says Dave Roscoe, ORBCOMM’s President of Satellite IoT. “Sending larger messages faster unlocks IoT applications that were previously unfeasible due to cost, enabling solution providers to tackle industry challenges, increase revenue and exceed customer expectations.”
OGx’s flexible, service-based pricing, combined with its new capabilities, enables a wide range of new IoT applications. Using OGx, new solutions can now be deployed at price points significantly lower than those of other satellite IoT services on the market. This helps ORBCOMM’s partners expand the IoT applications they can build in both existing and new markets, providing opportunities for growth.
Zeus Agrotech, a smart agriculture IoT provider and ORBCOMM partner based in Brazil, currently deploys solutions with ORBCOMM technology and will be using OGx for its enhanced messaging functionalities, according to Zeus CTO Christian Machado.
“With richer field data in their hands faster, our customers can make even more informed decisions to improve crop yield and reduce resource waste,” says Machado. “We’re excited to see our customers improve operations and grow their businesses with OGx’s increased messaging capabilities.”
Launched last year, OGx features an innovative network design and patented technology that can significantly reduce IoT device power consumption. These latest enhancements are part of a series of additional features and functionalities that will be rolled out in the future.
“We will continue to set the industry standard in satellite IoT innovation by strengthening our OGx offering to meet the evolving needs of our customers,” Roscoe says.
ORBCOMM is a pioneer in IoT technology, empowering customers with insight to make data-driven decisions that help them optimize their operations, maximize profitability and build a more sustainable future. With 30 years of experience and one of the most comprehensive solution portfolios in the industry, ORBCOMM enables the management of over a million assets worldwide for a diverse customer base spanning transportation, supply chain, heavy equipment, maritime, natural resources and government. For more information about how ORBCOMM is driving the evolution of industry through the power of data, visit www.orbcomm.com.
ORBCOMM media contact
Lina Paerez
SVP of Global Marketing and Communications
+1 613.875.1485
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0fb30ec0-caf3-40e0-9d81-24493a5671da
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