Kingdom of Bahrain Clinches Two Coveted Awards at World Travel Awards’ 31st Ceremony
- Reinforcing Bahrain’s Position as a Preferred Regional Destination for Weddings
- Bahrain Named as the “Middle East’s Leading Wedding Destination 2024”
- Exhibition World Bahrain Wins “Middle East's Leading Large-Scale Wedding Venue 2024” Award
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) is proud to announce that the Kingdom of Bahrain has achieved an exceptional accomplishment by securing two coveted awards at the 31st World Travel Awards (WTA) ceremony.
The Kingdom of Bahrain has been named the “Middle East’s Leading Wedding Destination 2024” award in recognition of its emerging position as a preferred regional destination for large-scale weddings and lavish bridal occasions during the last few years.
This remarkable victory underscores Bahrain’s outstanding tourism landmarks and readiness to host spectacular grand celebrations, solidifying its status as the ideal location for large-scale weddings and festive occasions.
In addition, Exhibition World Bahrain (EWB) has won the “Middle East's Leading Large-Scale Wedding Venue 2024” award, scooping the regional award over four esteemed competitors: Dubai World Trade Centre, Nayyara Banqueting & Conference Centre in Saudi Arabia, Oman Convention & Exhibition Centre, and Qatar National Convention Centre. This accolade highlights Exhibition World Bahrain's outstanding achievement in securing the highest number of votes among prestigious venues.
Mrs. Sara Ahmed Buhiji, CEO of BTEA, received the two accolades of “Middle East’s Leading Wedding Destination 2024” and “Middle East's Leading Large-Scale Wedding Venue 2024” during the WTA gala ceremony, which took place at Burj Al Arab in Dubai, UAE, on May 6, 2024, on the side-lines of the Arabian Travel Market 2024.
Securing the title of “Middle East's Leading Large-Scale Wedding Venue 2024” follows Exhibition World Bahrain’s winning title of "World’s Leading New Exhibition and Convention Centre 2023" at the World Travel Awards in December 2023. This consecutive recognition fortifies the venue's standing as a premier global destination in the MICE industry, celebrated for its versatility, cutting-edge facilities, and innovative services that accommodate a diverse range of events.
“Receiving the two internationally recognised awards is a remarkable feat that represents an international acknowledgment of Bahrain’s emerging status as a favoured destination for luxurious weddings and celebrations. We are immensely proud that families and couples worldwide are choosing Bahrain for their most awaited ceremonies, drawn by its rich heritage, first-rate hotels, luxury hospitality, pristine beaches, and more,” stated Mrs. Sara Ahmed Buhiji, CEO of Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA).
“The international recognition of EWB’s dedication, perseverance, and passion serves as a catalyst for us to reach even greater heights. It inspires our team to continue striving for excellence, making significant contributions to the MICE industry and tourism sector both regionally and globally. We are committed to hosting more prestigious international events and large-scale weddings for many years to come,” added CEO of BTEA.
Securing the title of “Middle East's Leading Large-Scale Wedding Venue 2024” follows Exhibition World Bahrain’s winning title of "World’s Leading New Exhibition and Convention Centre 2023" at the World Travel Awards in December 2023.
EWB takes an effective part in Bahrain's largest renewable energy plan by installing solar panels, which will generate 14.6 megawatts from rooftop installations, which aligns with the Kingdom’s sustainable endeavour to adopt renewable energy for environmental preservation.
It’s noteworthy to mention the Kingdom's success in launching several initiatives to attract tourism investments, mainly the Golden License initiative which has attracted a total of nine projects with a combined investment value of 2.4 billion US dollars. Among these projects are two tourism projects that will have the greatest impact on sustainable tourism development and the creation of quality job opportunities. This reflects the significant efforts made in partnership with the private sector to develop and diversify tourism products throughout the Kingdom.
About Exhibition World Bahrain (EWB)
Inaugurated in November 2022, Exhibition World Bahrain (EWB) is an Award-winning World’s Leading New Exhibition and Convention for 2023, and the newest MICE venue in the Middle East. With 10 exhibition halls, multiple exits and entrances, storage facilities, and wide-ranging services, the venue’s extensive capacity will enable it to host several events and exhibitions simultaneously, making it an attractive location for local, regional, and international exhibitions. It also attracts all types of events of different sizes and arrangements, from large conventions and exhibitions to conferences and meetings, live entertainment performances, large weddings, galas and celebrations, and corporate functions.
The EWB’s Convention Centre features a Grand Hall that can accommodate over 4,000 guests and can be sub-divided into three separate halls all equipped with the latest technical services to host international conferences and events. The Convention Centre also offers 19 meeting rooms of various sizes that can accommodate medium-and small-scale conferences and meetings.
Exhibition World Bahrain is owned by the Bahrain Tourism and Exhibitions Authority (BTEA) and is operated by BTEA’s strategic partner; ASM Global, the world’s largest and leading venue management and event services company operating the most prestigious exhibitions, entertainment and sports venues spanning five continents with a portfolio of more than 350 venues worldwide.
EWB is an award-winning venue, having secured the “World’s Leading New Exhibition and Convention Centre 2023” at the World Travel Awards 2023. With this unrivalled win, the Kingdom of Bahrain has further cemented its reputation as the leading global hub for the MICE industry.
EWB is committed to continuing to host and attract large-scale international, regional, and local exhibitions, conferences, conventions, product launches, live entertainment, large weddings, and bespoke events from around the world, further elevating the Kingdom’s position as a regional pioneer in the MICE industry.
For more information about EWB and its state-of-the-art features and facilities, please visit:
Basma Taha
PR & Marketing Manager
Mobile: +973 3889 8090
Mohammed Aljayousi
Communications Special Projects Advisor
Mobile: +973 39761177
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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