LambdaTest Launches Accessibility Test Scheduling for Continuous Compliance Monitoring
LambdaTest Accessibility Scheduling automates accessibility scans, ensuring seamless compliance with WCAG guidelines
San Francisco, March 11, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LambdaTest, a leading cloud-based unified testing platform, has launched Accessibility Test Scheduling, a new feature designed to help teams automate recurring accessibility scans and ensure continuous compliance with WCAG guidelines.
Ensuring web accessibility is often a time-consuming and manual process, with teams needing to frequently test and monitor updates for compliance. As digital experiences evolve, maintaining accessibility can become overwhelming, leading to inefficiencies and missed compliance risks. With Accessibility Test Scheduling, LambdaTest simplifies this challenge by allowing teams to schedule automated scans of the entire site map at regular intervals, ensuring accessibility remains a seamless part of their workflow.
By automating these checks, teams can proactively identify and resolve issues without the need for manual intervention. The feature integrates with LambdaTest’s existing accessibility suite, making it easier to track compliance over time, detect trends, and address accessibility gaps before they impact users. It also supports authentication-based testing, allowing teams to scan both public and restricted pages effortlessly.
"Accessibility isn’t just about meeting guidelines—it’s about creating digital experiences that everyone can use with ease," said Mayank Bhola, Co-founder and Head of Product at LambdaTest. "With Accessibility Test Scheduling, we’re making it effortless for teams to stay compliant, removing the burden of manual testing and allowing them to focus on what truly matters—building inclusive experiences."
With this launch, LambdaTest continues to reinforce its commitment to accessibility, ensuring that organizations can deliver truly inclusive digital experiences without compromising efficiency.
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About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is an AI-native, omnichannel software quality platform that empowers businesses to accelerate time to market through intelligent, cloud-based test authoring, orchestration, and execution. With over 15,000 customers and 2.3 million+ users across 130+ countries, LambdaTest is the trusted choice for modern software testing.
- Browser & App Testing Cloud: Enables manual and automated testing of web and mobile apps across 5,000+ browsers, real devices, and OS environments, ensuring cross-platform consistency.
- HyperExecute: An AI-native test execution and orchestration cloud that runs tests up to 70% faster than traditional grids, offering smart test distribution, automatic retries, real-time logs, and seamless CI/CD integration.
- KaneAI: The world’s first GenAI-native testing agent, leveraging LLMs for effortless test creation, intelligent automation, and self-evolving test execution. It integrates directly with Jira, Slack, GitHub, and other DevOps tools.
For more information, please visit,
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