Informed Ventures Launches, Managing Early-Stage Fund Focused on Digital Health, Vertical Applicatio
VC firm to assume responsibility for GSR Ventures in the U.S.
Informed Ventures, a venture capital firm focused on early-stage transformative companies, launched today. Informed Ventures will be assuming responsibility for GSR Ventures in the United States. Through its Informed Ventures Fund, the firm has invested approximately $300 million in U.S.-based startups to date.
The firm will continue to invest upwards of $200 million from its existing capital pool in high-impact companies in digital health, SaaS, and consumer products and services, including vertical applications of AI. Today’s announcement underscores the formal establishment of its operations as Informed Ventures.
Informed Ventures invests in founders and startups who are dedicated to building products and services that drive change and redefine markets. Its team of physicians, entrepreneurs, and engineers apply their deep industry knowledge to help founders scale companies and deliver long-term growth and success.
Informed Ventures’ investment and management team brings forward several partners from the GSR U.S. team. Under the leadership of Richard Lim, founder and Managing Director, the team of partners has substantial experience in the areas of digital health, fintech, SaaS, and consumer products and services, among others.
“The partners at Informed Ventures have worked closely together for almost a decade. We are a tight-knit, collaborative, and experienced group, and are excited to continue working hand-in-hand with entrepreneurs to remake entire industries that are applying emerging technologies like AI,” said Lim.
The Informed Ventures Fund supports transformative companies with strategic expertise to deliver long-term value. Portfolio companies include Medable, Nimble, and other emerging leaders in digital health and technology.
Leaders on the Informed Ventures team also provided their insights investment focus and important market opportunities:
Sunny Kumar, Partner
“There has never been a better time to build or invest in healthcare startups. Every sector of healthcare from providers to the pharma is focused on achieving better outcomes at lower costs and for the first time, AI solutions can power truly transformative gains in efficiency and effectiveness that will lead to faster and greater adoption than we’ve seen before. And the cost of adopting new healthcare technology solutions is even lower thanks to AI. The technology is already delivering 10x+ return on investment (ROI) to enterprise customers, leading to lower costs for patients, better clinical outcomes, and more efficient delivery of care.”
Yuechen Zhao, Partner
"Informed Ventures is investing in companies that are transforming the patient experience. Too many patients are lost in a system that wasn’t built for them—long wait times, soaring costs, confusing insurance policies, and doctors too pressured to rush from one patient to the next. But with breakthroughs in AI and policy innovations like ICHRA, we’re excited to work with founders to build innovative solutions that make care accessible, affordable, and personalized for all.”
Wei Li Tan, Partner
"With increasing longevity, healthcare’s future is about more than extending lifespan—it’s about unlocking better living. Artificial intelligence and technology are making care more personalized, accessible, and impactful. From senior care that supports independence to digital mental health platforms that foster resilience, we are dedicated to investing in innovations that make healthy living achievable and help people thrive at every stage of life."
David Yin, Partner
"AI is moving beyond automation to deliver highly personalized, contextual, and multifaceted financial assistance, helping users make smarter decisions in real time. By working with entrepreneurs to deeply integrate AI, we believe we can together reshape lending, wealth management, insurance, and other applications in financial services."
For more information on Informed Ventures, please visit
About Informed Ventures
Informed Ventures is a Menlo Park-based venture capital firm committed to supporting visionary startups who are dedicated to building a transformative future. We partner with exceptional individuals and companies, providing strategic expertise to deliver long-term growth and success. At Informed Ventures, we take a thoughtful, focused approach in applying our deep industry experience in digital health and other vertical applications of AI. Our investments are guided by conviction and commitment, helping founders build companies that make a difference.
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