HKTB Launches “Four Corners of Hong Kong” Video Series Inviting Visitors to Explore the Four Points
Highlighting Star-Studded Adventures on Mountain Trails and Coastal Islands to Inspire Visitors to Engage in In-Depth Green Travel
HONG KONG, March 17, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Millions of visitors choose Hong Kong as their ultimate getaway, drawn by its unique blend of breathtaking coastal scenery, lush greenery, and a dynamic cityscape just a stone's throw away. With its long-standing commitment to green tourism, Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) offers visitors enticing insights about the city's spectacular hiking trails, outlying islands and the Geopark on its Hong Kong Great Outdoors webpage. HKTB is launching a new video series, titled “Four Corners of Hong Kong”. The series features four captivating short films that take viewers on a journey to the city's four corners – north, south, east and west – and showcase Hong Kong's diverse scenery, with an irresistible invitation to visitors to experience the city's extraordinary natural beauty.
The Four Points of the Compass Show Viewers Hong Kong's Green Tourism Appeal
HKTB recently teased the campaign with an exclusive preview on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, and releases the first full video of the four-part series today on the Discover Hong Kong YouTube channel. The remaining three episodes will come one after another throughout the coming fortnight. The video will also be released on the HKTB's Xiaohongshu, Douyin and Weibo platforms. The videos transport viewers on an epic, fun-filled adventure in four spectacular corners of Hong Kong, climbing mountains and diving into the sea, travelling east to Sai Kung, south to Po Toi Island, Stanley, and Ap Lei Chau, west to Lantau Island, and north to Robin's Nest Country Park. Each location has its own special charm and offers a distinct outdoor experience, demonstrating the diverse appeal and boundless potential of ecotourism in Hong Kong.
Celebrities Add a Touch of Stardust
Diverse Video Styles to Spark Visitors' Interest in Outdoor Adventures
Thai actress Eye Kamolned Ruengsri explores the newly opened Robin's Nest Country Park in the north part of Hong Kong
Singer Wayne Huang (left) from Taiwan teams up with actor Payne Peng (right) also from Taiwan, for an island-hopping adventure on Po Toi Island in the south part of Hong Kong
Photo Credits: Young Hope Entertainment Co., LTD
HKTB has teamed up with celebrities from Thailand and Taiwan who bring a sprinkle of stardust to carry the video campaign to a wider audience. The videos, imbued with the unique charisma of the celebrities, are tailored to captivate worldwide audiences through compelling storytelling and mesmerising landscapes.
Thai actress Eye Kamolned Ruengsri, who stars in hit dramas such as Notification and the Thai version of My Love from Another Star, brings her passion for travel vlogging to the episode featuring the north of Hong Kong. Viewers follow Eye in an immersive vlog-style production as she explores the newly opened Robin's Nest Country Park and unlocks its delights. Meanwhile, popular singer Wayne Huang from Taiwan, has teamed up with an actor from the new generation, Payne Peng, also from Taiwan, who stars in the acclaimed drama series Oh No! Here Comes Trouble, for an exciting island-hopping adventure in the episode featuring the south of Hong Kong. Combining the popular, light-hearted style of variety shows going viral in Taiwan and the duo's witty banter and humorous interactions, the video is an entertaining and engaging watch and is sure to whet viewers' appetite for the district's coastal treasures.
Overview of “Four Corners of Hong Kong” Video Series
1) Experience HK100 – Asia's Premier Trail Race: A Unique Journey Through East Hong Kong
Launch Date: 12 March 2025
East: Discovering Geological Wonders
Embark on an exhilarating race through the unforgettable landscapes of east Hong Kong, following in the footsteps of elite trail runners from the world-renowned Hong Kong 100 Ultra Marathon. The video takes viewers into the splendour of Hong Kong UNESCO Global Geopark, including Po Pin Chau and the East Dam of High Island Reservoir, and features awe-inspiring geological wonders like the rhyolitic hexagonal rock columns, which were crafted over millions of years by nature's hand.
Along the way, viewers will also marvel at the pristine coastlines of the four bays of Tai Long Wan and Hoi Ha, which give Sai Kung its reputation as Hong Kong's retreat haven
2) Southern Outdoors: A Day Trip to Discover Hong Kong's Coastline
Launch Date: 21 March 2025
South: Nature at Your Fingertips
An action-packed island-hopping adventure begins! Popular singer Wayne Huang from Taiwan, and an actor from the new generation Payne Peng, also from Taiwan, set sail on an exciting exploration of Hong Kong's southern shores. Wayne and Payne experience the thrill of kayaking off Stanley Main Beach, take selfies with the fascinating rock formations of Po Toi Island as their background, and wrap up their journey by taking a delightful kaito ferry ride to Ap Lei Chau, where they tuck into a delicious seafood feast to round off a day full of laughter and fun.
This episode celebrates a seamless blend of rugged nature and urban sophistication in Hong Kong's Southern District where stunning coastal landscapes are just minutes from superb restaurants serving delicacies.
3) Follow Us Off the Beaten Track of West Hong Kong: LANTAU ADVENTURE
Launch Date: 18 March 2025
West: Iconic Landmarks and Natural Beauty
Sweat it out in nature's embrace with runners from the internationally celebrated TransLantau™ by UTMB® trail race as they tackle the ultimate outdoor challenge – racing across Hong Kong's largest island. The film captures the athletes' ascent to Lantau Peak, Hong Kong's second-highest mountain, and Sunset Peak, the third-highest mountain, before descending to the lush, tree-lined shores of Pui O Beach.
Pushing themselves to their physical limits, the runners follow a route that takes in must-visit attractions like the Big Buddha, Ngong Ping 360 and Tai O Fishing Village. It's a gruelling challenge with the prize of awe-inspiring views of some of Hong Kong's most iconic landmarks.
4) A Hike at Robin's Nest Country Park
Launch Date: 15 March 2025
North: Uncovering Historical Treasures
Thai actress Eye Kamolned Ruengsri takes viewers on a reflective and enlightening tour of the newly opened Robin's Nest Country Park in Hong Kong's northernmost region. In an intimate vlog-style narrative, Eye delves into the rich history of the area, visiting sites such as the abandoned Lin Ma Hang Lead Mine, which offers a glimpse into the area's mining past, and shows viewers remnants of World War II-era Japanese Pillboxes at Ah Kung Kok and Shan Tsui as well as the Grade 2-listed MacIntosh Forts (Kong Shan) along the boundary with the Mainland.
The film also follows Eye's moments of relaxation as she sketches gorgeous red azaleas and majestic views of the Shenzhen Wutong Mountain Scenic Area.
Promoting the Great Outdoors Through Sport and Nature
Hong Kong's exuberant trail running events are gaining more international interest by the year, and HKTB is stepping up its efforts to promote them to overseas visitors following the runaway success of the TransLantau™ by UTMB® and Hong Kong 100 Ultra Marathon races last year. The thrilling challenges draw athletes from the around the world and HKTB is keen to build on their unstoppable momentum. HKTB has also teamed up with industry players to offer even more outdoor adventures, such as the recently launched Hong Kong Outdoor Festival for South Korean visitors, who got the opportunity to experience Hong Kong's urban energy and natural beauty through running. Looking ahead, HKTB will continue to invite media and influencers from key markets such as the Mainland, Southeast Asia, the UK and India to explore Hong Kong's outdoor hotspots, inspiring more travellers to immerse themselves in the city's extraordinary natural beauty.
Members of the media can download photos and videos from the links below:
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Ms Holly Chan Tel : 2807 6206 Email: |
Ms Natalie Chan Tel : 2807 6216 Email : |
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