CORRECTION – Global Reach for Biotechs: Avance Clinical Secures MOUs with Four Premier Taiwanese Tri

TAIPEI, Taiwan and ADELAIDE, Australia, March 25, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avance Clinical, a leading full-service global Contract Research Organization (CRO) specializing in high-quality, agile clinical biotech research services, is pleased to announce the signing of four Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with key clinical trial sites in Taiwan this week. These new partnerships mark a strategic expansion into Taiwan, reinforcing Avance Clinical’s commitment to providing US biotechs with access to high-quality clinical research solutions across the Asia-Pacific region.
Avance Clinical CEO Yvonne Lungershausen emphasized the importance of these new partnerships and highlighted the value of being personally present at the MOU signing to connect with the exceptional teams at these centers. She stated, “Expanding into Taiwan marks another key milestone for Avance Clinical as we continue to expand our global network across Asia.”
Avance Clinical’s Vice President, Global Project Delivery, Joe Taouk, emphasized the significance of this expansion: “Taiwan is recognized for its advanced healthcare infrastructure, highly skilled research teams, and regulatory efficiency, making it an attractive destination for clinical trials. By partnering with these leading Taiwanese institutions, we are further strengthening our ability to support biotech sponsors in executing high-quality, efficient clinical trials with access to diverse patient populations.”
Kelly Yang, Associate Director, Taiwan Operations, highlighted the benefits for biotechs looking to expand into Taiwan: “Our partnerships with these respected institutions will provide biotech sponsors with streamlined access to Taiwan’s high-quality clinical trial ecosystem. The country’s efficient regulatory pathways, combined with these hospitals’ deep expertise, will enable our clients to accelerate the development of their therapies while maintaining the highest scientific and ethical standards.”
The MOUs are set to be signed this week with:
- Taichung Veterans General Hospital (TCVGH): Professor Yun-Ching Fu, the Dean of TCVGH said, “Taichung Veterans General Hospital has deeply committed to clinical research across various study phases as well as the innovative treatments, with extensive experience in clinical trials and professional capabilities in regenerative medicines. TCVGH is a leader in advanced CAR-T cell immunotherapy, ranking the second in Taiwan for the number of treated cases and achieving a 100% of cure rate. “This partnership will accelerate the development of cancer treatments and other groundbreaking therapies, bringing life-changing benefits to patients worldwide.”
- Taipei Medical University (TMU): “We are excited to collaborate with Avance Clinical to advance clinical research and bring new treatment opportunities to patients. This partnership enhances our medical centers’ ability to make a significant impact, strengthens our presence in global trials, and ultimately improves healthcare through innovation,” said Professor Chun-Che Shih, Executive Vice President of Taipei Medical University.
- China Medical University Hospital (CMUH): Professor Der-Yang Cho, Dean of CMUH, emphasized the significance of the partnership: “We are excited to collaborate with Avance Clinical to expand international research opportunities and further strengthen our capabilities in early-phase studies. This agreement not only enhances our ability to support global biotech companies but also accelerates the delivery of innovative treatments to patients.”
- Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital (KMUH): “Our partnership with Avance Clinical is incredibly valuable to KMUH as it allows us to connect with innovative biotech companies from around the world and bring cutting-edge clinical trials to Taiwan,” said Jaw-Yuan Wang, Superintendent of Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital. “By combining our clinical research expertise and diverse patient population with Avance Clinical’s global trial management capabilities, we can accelerate the development of new therapies and provide our patients with earlier access to groundbreaking treatments.”
These agreements reinforce Avance Clinical’s GlobalReady model, offering biotech companies a seamless pathway to leverage the region’s clinical trial capabilities, regulatory efficiencies, and patient access.
About Avance Clinical
Avance Clinical is a leading Contract Research Organization (CRO) offering biotech companies faster, more flexible, and higher-quality clinical trial services. As the largest premium full-service CRO headquartered in Australia, Avance Clinical delivers globally accepted data across Australia, New Zealand, Asia, North America, and Europe for international biotechs. With 30 years of experience and expertise spanning over 250 indications, the company provides comprehensive clinical research services from early to late-phase trials.
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- Discover Avance Clinical’s Asia Advantage
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- Learn about Avance Clinical’s GlobalReady model for biotechs
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Avance Clinical
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