Carter McWhorter & The McWhorter Foundation Hosting Gala Aligning with Formula 1 Miami Race To C
PALM BEACH, Fla., March 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The McWhorter Foundation, renowned for its unwavering commitment to safeguarding human rights, is proud to announce a prestigious black-tie gala event coinciding with the Formula 1 Miami race. This exclusive gathering serves as a pivotal moment in the ongoing battle against child trafficking, a cause close to the heart of the foundation and its supporters.
Set against the electrifying backdrop of Formula 1 Miami, the gala promises an evening of glamour and purpose, uniting influential figures, philanthropists, and racing enthusiasts in a collective effort to combat child exploitation. Attendees can anticipate an unforgettable experience, complete with live entertainment, gourmet cuisine, and an exclusive silent auction featuring coveted items and experiences.
"This gala represents more than just an evening of sophistication; it's a powerful statement of solidarity in the fight against child trafficking," remarked C.K. McWhorter. "Together, we have the opportunity to effect meaningful change and protect the most vulnerable members of our society."
Proceeds from the gala will be directed towards critical initiatives aimed at combating child trafficking. These funds will support the deployment of skilled investigators, the acquisition of cutting-edge technology for law enforcement agencies, and the provision of vital resources for survivors of trafficking. Additionally, the foundation will advocate for stronger protective measures and legislative action to prevent future atrocities.
The McWhorter Foundation extends a heartfelt invitation to all who share in the vision of a world free from the scourge of child exploitation. Through collective action and unwavering commitment, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of countless children, offering them hope, safety, and the opportunity to thrive.
About the McWhorter Foundation:
Dedicated to championing human rights and well-being of children, the McWhorter Foundation has been at the forefront of numerous initiatives aimed at protecting vulnerable youth. With a steadfast commitment to advocacy and empowerment, the foundation continues to make a profound impact in communities worldwide.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at:
For media inquiries, please contact:
Tyler Wells
VP of Investor Relations
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