XPENG announces ASEAN partnerships in Thailand and Featured at the 45th Bangkok International Motor
James Wu, VP of Finance from XPENG, unveils G6 at the 45th Bangkok Motor Show
James Wu, VP of Finance from XPENG, unveils G6 at the 45th Bangkok Motor Show
XPENG announces partnerships of ASEAN in Thailand
XPENG announces partnerships of ASEAN in Thailand
BANGKOK, Thailand, March 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- XPENG Motors (“XPENG” or the “Company,” NYSE: XPEV and HKEX: 9868), a leading Chinese smart electric vehicle (“Smart EV”) company, today announces its latest long-term strategic partnership in Thailand with Neo Mobility Asia Co., Ltd., a joint venture between Arun Plus Mobility Holdings Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of PTT, and MGC-Asia GreenTech Co., Ltd.,
The partnership marks XPENG's international footprint as it has entered ASEAN and led to the official launch of XPENG at the 45th Bangkok International Motor Show.
As part of XPENG's international expansion plans, a growing list of new partners from XPENG's strategic markets have joined XPENG in bringing the brand’s latest smart EVs to local consumers, including Premium Automobiles from Singapore, and Bermaz Auto from Malaysia.
The XPENG global market strategy focuses on establishing partnerships with local importers/dealers to create a first-class distribution, sales, and service network in various regions. James Wu, Vice President of Finance & Overseas Strategic Support Office, XPENG, said: "By entering new markets strategically and offering a range of EV models tailored to local customer needs, we aim to solidify our brand position as a leading player in the smart EV sector on a global scale."
XPENG will offer the G6 SUV in Thailand, Singapore, and Malaysia, and start delivering from Q3 2024. Developed for global markets, the G6 is underpinned by XPENG’s evolutionary Smart Electric Platform Architecture (SEPA) 2.0 platform, which sets the foundation for future production models while shortening development cycles and reducing manufacturing costs.
For Media Enquiries:
Rosanne Wu
Email: wuqr@xiaopeng.com
Photos accompanying this announcement are available at
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