Acronis Announces New #TeamUp Partnership with Los Angeles Marathon
Mannassi to provide the Los Angeles Marathon with Acronis cyber protection solutions
LOS ANGELES, Feb. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Acronis, a global leader in cyber protection, today announced its latest Acronis #TeamUp partnership with the Los Angeles Marathon, which will be supported by Mannassi, a provider of innovative and comprehensive IT solutions. This collaboration, supported by Acronis's cutting-edge technology, marks the inception of a #TeamUp alliance aimed at transforming cyber protection in the marathon industry.
"We are excited to embark on this journey with Acronis and Mannassi," said Murphy Reinschreiber, Chief Operating Officer at the Los Angeles Marathon. "This underscores our dedication to providing a world-class event. We see this partnership as a strategic move to ensure the highest level of cybersecurity for participants, volunteers, and stakeholders alike. The safety and security of our participants and their data are paramount."
The partnership brings together the iconic Los Angeles Marathon, celebrated for its rich history and commitment to excellence in athletics, and Mannassi, renowned for its expertise in delivering advanced MSP solutions. Leveraging Acronis' comprehensive cyber protection technology, the Los Angeles Marathon and Mannassi aim to elevate data security, streamline operations, and enhance the overall marathon experience for participants and organizers.
"Teaming up with Acronis and the Los Angeles Marathon is a testament to our commitment as a MSP business," said Graham Mannassi, CEO at Mannassi. "By combining our expertise with Acronis' innovative technology, we are confident in our ability to enhance data security and operational efficiency, ultimately elevating the marathon experience for all stakeholders."
On March 17, 2024, the Los Angeles Marathon presented by ASICS will host over 25,000 registered runners along the 26.2-mile Stadium-to-the-Stars Course starting at Dodger Stadium and finishing near Avenue of the Stars in Century City. This year’s field size will be one of the largest in the race’s 39-year history.
Running in conjunction with the Marathon on Sunday is the LA Charity Half Marathon: an exclusive event open to a maximum of 1100 participants fundraising for The McCourt Foundation and the 90 other nonprofits involved with the Marathon’s Nonprofit Partnership Program.
"Partnering with the Los Angeles Marathon highlights Acronis' ability to provide cyber protection for the betterment of a wide range of sports industries across the globe,” said Pat Hurley, RVP Americas at Acronis. “This collaboration strengthens our dedication to redefine data protection and support organizations in achieving their goals securely and efficiently.”
In addition to cybersecurity enhancements, the partnership will also feature prominent promotional opportunities, including signage near the start line, a branded mile on the racecourse, and broadcast coverage during the sponsored mile.
For more information on events happening on marathon weekend, please visit
Service providers are invited to join the Acronis #TeamUp Program to deliver Acronis Cyber Protection solutions to world-class and global professional sports teams. To learn more about Acronis’ #TeamUp Program, please visit:
About Acronis
Acronis unifies data protection and cybersecurity to deliver integrated, automated cyber protection that solves the safety, accessibility, privacy, authenticity, and security (SAPAS) challenges of the modern digital world. With flexible deployment models that fit the demands of service providers and IT professionals, Acronis provides superior cyber protection for data, applications, and systems with innovative next-generation antivirus, backup, disaster recovery, and endpoint protection management solutions powered by AI. With advanced anti-malware powered by cutting-edge machine intelligence and blockchain based data authentication technologies, Acronis protects any environment - from cloud to hybrid to on premises - at a low and predictable cost.
Acronis is a Swiss company, founded in Singapore. Celebrating two decades of innovation, Acronis has more than 1,800+ employees in 45 locations. Acronis Cyber Protect solution is available in 26 languages in over 150 countries and is used by 20,000+ service providers to protect over 750,000 businesses.
About Mannassi
With offices in Los Angeles, Reno, and Cambridge (UK), Mannassi IT Solutions empowers businesses worldwide by efficiently managing and protecting their computer networks. Our expertise enables seamless growth and enhances operational efficiency. We are thrilled to partner with Acronis in supporting this iconic event.
About The McCourt Foundation/Los Angeles Marathon
The McCourt Foundation (TMF) empowers communities to build a healthier world through research, education, and events. TMF’s mission is to cure neurological diseases while empowering communities to build a healthier world. TMF makes a difference by donating to neurology research, hosting educational forums, and using our events such as the Los Angeles Marathon, Rose Bowl Half Marathon & 5K, Santa Monica Classic, Boston Waterfront 5K, and Tour de South Shore, as platforms to raise funds for over 105 nonprofit charity partners. Since its inception, TMF has donated more than $6.3 million to neurology research and generated more than $68M for our over nonprofit charity partners.
Established in 1992, TMF is a 501 (c)(3) with offices in Boston, MA and Los Angeles, CA.
Press Contacts:
Julia Carfagno
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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