Bombardier’s Industry-Leading Global 7500 Aircraft Actively Touring Asia, Showcasing its Unrivalled
- Global 7500 aircraft proudly on display for customers at exclusive meetings in Hong Kong, Beijing and Seoul
- Uncompromising business jet fleet has surpassed more than 150,000 flying hours and has celebrated more than 165 deliveries
- With an impressive top speed of Mach 0.925 and a range of 7,700 nautical miles (14,260 km), the Global 7500 business aircraft is the perfect choice for Bombardier’s clients in Asia
- With more than 30 industry speed records, the Global 7500 continues to build on its long list of awards, showcasing its unmatched performance attributes
MONTREAL, March 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bombardier today announced that its industry-defining Global 7500 is actively touring Asia this week with planned customer meetings in Hong Kong, Beijing, and Seoul. These exclusive touch points come fresh on the heels of an incredibly successful month for the Global 7500, as it recently just set more than 30 flight records(1) – the latest accomplishments that shine a light on the undisputed leader in the ultra-long-range class. Simply put, the Global 7500 is the most luxurious, reliable and productive business jet in the skies today.
“As Asian companies go global to connect with their customers, operations and supply chain interests, we have designed the ultimate home in the sky to help them accomplish these tasks – the Global 7500 aircraft,” said Emmanuel Bornand, Vice President, International, Business Aircraft Sales, Bombardier. “The Global 7500 is the first purpose built four-zone aircraft with a proven track record of more than 165 aircraft delivered providing our customers with the largest cabin, smoothest ride longest range and lowest cabin altitude.”
In terms of performance, the Global 7500 continues to deliver for customers and build on its record-setting pedigree. With a top speed of Mach 0.925 and an industry leading range of 7,700 nautical miles (14,260 km), the Global 7500 aircraft features outstanding performance capabilities. Its Smooth Flĕx Wing is designed with a sophisticated slats and flap system that generates exceptional lift on takeoff and approach, maximizing aerodynamic efficiency and boosting performance while improving safety and offering a smoother, more restful ride. It also reduces fuel burn and lowers emissions and produces excellent short-field and high-speed performance.
The Global 7500 aircraft also enables several key long-distance pairs from Asia-Pacific, including Beijing to New York, Seoul to New York, Hong Kong to New York, Tokyo to New York and Singapore to San Francisco.
The Bombardier Global 7500 also sits at the top of its class for design excellence. The aircraft is truly the ultimate home in the sky, a reliable, productive business tool with its ultra-fast internet capabilities and impeccably designed cabins. With its stunning, spacious interior featuring four true living spaces, a full-size, superbly equipped kitchen and a dedicated crew suite, it offers customers the ultimate in-flight experience. Other innovative design elements set the benchmark for the most exceptional cabin interior in business aviation, including Bombardier’s patented Nuage seat, which features the industry’s first zero-gravity position.
The incredible attributes of the Global 7500 aircraft will be enhanced even more with the introduction of the Global 8000 (2) aircraft, announced in 2022. Bombardier’s flagship of a new era will boast an industry-leading range of 8,000 nautical miles and an unbeatable top speed of Mach 0.94, making it the ultimate all-in-one business aircraft. The discerning Global 8000 business jet also features the healthiest cabin in the industry, with Bombardier’s Pũr Air and advanced HEPA filter technology for the cleanest cabin air and the fastest fresh air replacement. It also features the lowest cabin altitude of 2,900 feet when flying at 41,000 ft. – lower than any business jet today.
Bombardier’s Global 8000 aircraft development is progressing to plan. Additionally, for current Global 7500 operators, the incredible performance enhancements on the Global 8000 will be retrofittable when the aircraft enters into service, currently expected in 2025 (3), making it a future-proof investment and the flagship for today and tomorrow.
For customers interested in exploring the Global 7500 during its tour of Hong Kong, Beijing and Seoul, visits are available by appointment.
About Bombardier
Bombardier (BBD-B.TO) and its subsidiaries (Bombardier Group), is a global leader in aviation, focused on designing, manufacturing, and servicing the world's most exceptional business jets. Bombardier’s Challenger and Global aircraft families are renowned for their cutting-edge innovation, cabin design, performance, and reliability. Bombardier has a worldwide fleet of more than 5,000 aircraft in service with a wide variety of multinational corporations, charter and fractional ownership providers, governments, and private individuals. Bombardier aircraft are also trusted around the world in government and military special-mission roles leveraging Bombardier Defense’s proven expertise.
Bombardier is headquartered in Greater Montréal, Québec, and through the Bombardier Group, operates aerostructure, assembly and completion facilities in Canada, the United States and Mexico. Bombardier Group’s robust customer support network services the Learjet, Challenger and Global families of aircraft, and includes facilities in strategic locations in the United States and Canada, as well as in the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, the UAE, Singapore, China and Australia. For corporate news and information, including Bombardier’s Environmental, Social and Governance report, as well as the company’s plans to cover all its flight operations with a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) blend utilizing the Book and Claim system visit Learn more about Bombardier’s industry-leading products and customer service network at Follow us on X @Bombardier
Bombardier, Learjet, Challenger, Global, Global 7500, Global 8000, Smooth Flĕx Wing and Nuage seat are registered or unregistered trademarks of Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries.
(1) All records are pending or have received final approval by the FAI, the World Air Sports Federation.
(2) The Global 8000 aircraft is currently under development and remains to be finalized and certified. It is expected to enter into service in 2025. All specifications and data are approximate, and may change without notice and are subject to certain operating rules, assumptions and conditions.
(3) Forward-looking statement based on current expectations. By their nature, forward-looking statements require the Corporation to make assumptions and are subject to important known and unknown risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results in future periods to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. Please refer to the “Forward-Looking Statements” disclaimer contained in Bombardier Inc.’s most recently published financial report for additional details.
For Information
Matthew Nicholls
+ 1 514-243-8214
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