On March 19-20, the International Industrial Cooperation Conference (Singapore) and China Machinery and Electronics Products Brand Exhibition, co-hosted by the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Machinery and Electronic Products and the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce, was grandly held at the Singapore Expo Convention and Exhibition Center.
Dr. Long jisheng, Chairman and CEO of SUS Environment, Mr. Zhu Xiaoping, COO of SUS Environment, and Mr. Zhan Liang, General Manager of International Business Department of SUS Environment were invited to attend. Over 500 participants from China, Singapore and several RCEP countries, including representatives from government, diplomatic agencies, leading enterprises, financial and legal institutions, and well-known academic institutions, engaged in discussion on international industrial cooperation.
会上,康恒环境董事长兼CEO龙吉生博士发表《固废管理园区经济新实践 助力城市绿色高质量发展》主题演讲。向参会嘉宾系统介绍康恒环境静脉产业园作为固废管理园区,是如何反哺城市经济发展,为区域经济结构调整和资源整合可持续发展注入新思路和新势能。
At the conference, Dr. Long Jisheng, Chairman and CEO of SUS Environment, delivered a keynote speech titled "New Practices in Eco-industrial Parks Empower Urban Green High-Quality Development." He systematically introduced how SUS Environment Eco-Industrial Park, a solid waste management park, has contributed to urban economic development by injecting new ideas and energy into regional economic restructuring and sustainable development through resource integration.
He stated: "Solid waste management should prioritize enhancing energy utilization efficiency and synergistic efficiency, rather than solely focusing on loss prevention and emission reduction. This approach would drive the transformation of surrounding industries towards green and low-carbon, promoting economic growth in industrial parks and the overall low-carbon circular development of the city."
"SUS Environment's exploration and practices have taken the first step from small-scale circulation in industrial parks to large-scale circulation in the city, by enhancing urban functionality, promoting industrial development, and thereby driving green and high-quality urban development. Looking forward, we hope that the urban attributes of circular economy industrial parks can be better leveraged in the future, helping cities achieve a win-win situation for environmental and economic development in the future."
During the conference, SUS Environment exhibited the practical application of the "Chinese Model" in solid waste management at the booth, attracting numerous attendees. Ms. Low Yen Ling, Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth and Minister of State for Trade and Industry in Singapore, accompanied by Mr. Zhang Yujing, President of CCCME, and Mr. Zheng Chao, Executive Vice President of CCCME, visited the booth and learned about SUS Environment.
In the future, SUS Environment aims to collaborate with more governments, corporations, and social organizations to collectively make a difference for the environment, achieve scientific solid waste management, and contribute to global sustainable development.
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