MNE 6130代做、代写MatLab设计编程
MNE 6130 Modern Robotics
Assignment Project
Part II (80%)
Aims: To gain the practical knowledge and hand-on experiences in topics related
robot vision and manipulators; to practise programming on software platforms for
Robotic tracking with vision
T1: System setup: a), camera calibration; b), Associating the real camera with virtual
T2: Position based robotic tracking: with fixed camera, a) detect the target object from
multiple objects, b) track the target position, c) feedback the position to the virtual
robot and track the target.
T3 Feature based robotic tracking: via interaction matrix (image Jacobian) to compute
the control command for the virtual robot, for reaching a square shaped planar target
(hint: design your own desired features. e.g. to include the 4 corners of the square and
make it parallel with the camera image plane).
Robot to use for the tasks:
PUMA 560 robot.
Time lines:
Week 9-11: prepare and design;
Week 12: complete;
Week 13: presentation and reporting.
Reporting: Each needs to submit a written report by the presentation time.
1. Good-Excellent: be able to program with satisfactory results and to
apply the theory with theoretical explanations;
2. Pass: understand the theory, be able to program;
3. Fail: unable to program or show your understanding of the theory.
Software to be used: MatLab (available in CSC, and MNE Lab).
MNE 6130 Modern Robotics
Assignment Project
Part I (20%)
Aims: To gain the practical knowledge and hand-on experiences in topics related
robot manipulators; to practise programming on software platforms for robotics.
Pick and Place by robot manipulators.
T1: Move the robot end-effector via the specified 4 points (in 3D space):
(X2,Y2,Z2) (X3,Y3,Z3)
(X1,Y1,Z1) (X4,Y4,Z4)
T2: Plot the end-effector trajectory and joint trajectories for each joint of the robot for
the motion in T1
T3 (optional): Find the Jacobina matrix J at each of the 4 points in T1 and comment
on the manipulability of the robot at different positions.
Robots for the tasks:
1, PUMA 560 robot, and
2, Your own designed robot manipulator.
Time lines:
Week 5: prepare and design;
Week 6: complete;
Week 7: presentation and reporting.
Reporting: Each needs to submit a written report by the presentation time.
4. Good-Excellent: be able to program with satisfactory results and to
apply the theory with theoretical explanations;
5. Pass: understand the theory, be able to program;
6. Fail: unable to program or show your understanding of the theory.
Software to be used: MatLab (available in CSC, and MNE Lab).
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