HYCU,Inc. Leverages Anthropic to Revolutionize Data Protection Through Generative AI Technology
Creates Industry’s first AI-led Development to Protect Any SaaS Application in Hours When No Protection Was Available Prior
Boston, Massachusetts, Jan. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- HYCU, Inc., a leader in data protection as a service and one of the fastest growing companies in the industry, today announced the HYCU Generative AI Initiative. This project aims to seamlessly integrate generative AI technology, including Anthropics' AI assistant Claude with HYCU's R-Cloud data protection platform, redefining the development process of data protection integrations and creating an easy to use way to create SaaS integrations.
"This development with Anthropic’s frontier generative AI model Claude is more than an integration; it's a leap forward in the future of data protection,” said Simon Taylor, Founder and CEO, HYCU, Inc. “By harnessing AI, we're not only accelerating our development processes but also reinforcing our commitment to security and operational efficiency. We're excited to take R-Cloud to the next level and pioneer this space and set new standards for the industry."
HYCU Generative AI Sets New Benchmark for SaaS Data Protection
The HYCU Generative AI Initiative includes:
AI-Driven Development Process: Leveraging Anthropic’s Claude model with HYCU’s security-centric design evolves the platform into an intelligent, responsive, and adaptable development environment. Deep Understanding of Data Protection Complexities: The integration allows Claude to fully understand the nuances of compliance, encryption, and recovery protocols, custom-tailored for HYCU’s platform. Dramatic Reduction in Development Time: The integration significantly cuts down the development time for data protection integrations from weeks to hours. Maintaining High Standards: All AI-driven integrations will adhere to HYCU’s stringent standards of security and efficiency.
Strategic Impact of Generative AI Data Protection for HYCU R-Cloud
Today’s news marks three significant innovations to the HYCU R-Cloud award-winning platform.
Pioneering Infrastructure Software Protection and Recovery: This initiative places HYCU at the forefront of integrating AI in data protection, marking a landmark moment in infrastructure software innovation. It also builds on the introduction of R-Scout, an AI Powered assistant HYCU introduced earlier to make it easy for customers and partners to learn about the breadth of HYCU offerings, educate them on how to leverage each solution from on-prem to public cloud to SaaS, and provide best practice guidance. Synergyzing Company Missions: The collaboration aligns the missions of HYCU and Anthropic, emphasizing the creation of a safer world through advanced data protection and AI. Setting New Benchmarks for SaaS and Cloud Services with AI: HYCU sets a new industry standard for AI-driven data protection platforms, as this level of collaboration and execution is new. It also delivers a new way for the thousands of HYCU customers to easily protect SaaS applications and cloud services when protection was previously not available. In addition to protecting core cloud services, HYCU is also focused on protecting the data and configuration in specialized AI services that are becoming critical for customers. The initial AI infrastructure HYCU protects out of the box are PineCone and Redis – both used as core Vector Databases critical for AI
HYCU R-Cloud includes the world’s first low-code development platform for data protection that enables SaaS companies and service providers to deliver application-native backup and recovery efficiently and rapidly. HYCU R-Cloud has been recognized for setting the bar for SaaS data backup and protection for its ease of use of integration for both end users and SaaS providers.
“Leveraging cutting-edge AI technology is a testament to HYCU's commitment to technological innovation and leadership in the data protection industry,” said Philippe Nicolas, Principal, Coldago Research. “It is another strong example of how HYCU continues to deliver unparalleled value to customers and reinforces HYCU's position as a market leader."
For more information on HYCU R-Cloud, visit: https://www.hycu.com/r-cloud, follow us on X (formerly Twitter), connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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About HYCU
HYCU is the fastest-growing leader in the multi-cloud and SaaS data protection as a service industry. By bringing true SaaS-based data backup and recovery to on-premises, cloud-native and SaaS environments, the company provides unparalleled data protection, migration, disaster recovery, and ransomware protection to thousands of companies worldwide. As an award-winning and recognized visionary in the industry, HYCU solutions eliminate complexity, risk, and the high cost of legacy-based solutions, providing data protection simplicity to make the world safer. With an industry leading NPS score of 91, customers experience frictionless, cost-effective data protection, anywhere, everywhere. HYCU has raised $140M in VC funding to date and is based in Boston, Mass. Learn more at www.hycu.com.
Don Jennings HYCU, Inc. 617-791-1710 don.jennings@hycu.com
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