AXON Aviation Group transfers business aircraft division to Jetcraft
AXON Aviation Group (AXON) has selected Jetcraft to take on its business jet activity as it seeks to streamline its service offering. The company will transfer all business aircraft sales and acquisitions to Jetcraft ensuring a smooth handover period for clients.
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Niki Rokni, Partner and Head of Aircraft Sales at AXON, says: “Jetcraft is the global leader in business jet transactions and is a natural fit to take on our respected clients. The AXON team will remain the same, now with additional focus on our commercial aircraft sales and leasing services.”
The handover follows many years of successful collaboration between AXON and Jetcraft in navigating complex transactions around the world. AXON, who specialize in exclusive, off-market listings, will continue to work hand in hand with each customer to provide a seamless transition.
Jahid Fazal-Karim, Owner and Chairman of the Board at Jetcraft, says: “I want to thank Niki and all at AXON for placing their trust in us. Jetcraft is a global force in the industry, offering the best-in-class service for aircraft sales, acquisitions and trades. By taking on AXON’s elite customer base and quality aircraft we continue our growth trajectory, providing the expertise nobody else can match.”
About AXON Aviation Group
AXON is an aircraft sales, acquisitions and lease specialist based in London‘s Mayfair, whose senior management team has over 70 years of combined experience in delivering aircraft to principals and airliners worldwide. Specializing in commercial and large cabin corporate aircraft variants of Boeing, Airbus, Gulfstream, Dassault and Bombardier Global & Challenger range, AXON has sold a combination of commercial and corporate aircraft valued at over $3 billion. AXON’s key strength lies in its long-established and privileged relationships with airlines, financial institutions and Ultra High Net Worth principals across the world.
About Jetcraft
More than brokers, Jetcraft® is a network of global aircraft advisors, offering unmatched international reach and unrivalled local knowledge. The company’s market leading intelligence, strategic financing solutions and extensive inventory support even the most intricate of transactions. For over 60 years Jetcraft has led the way, setting standards that continue to shape the industry. Today, a team of 90+ dedicated aviation specialists across 30+ offices deliver worldwide aircraft sales, acquisitions and trading at the speed of life.
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