EAACI Congress Kicks Off in Valencia, Spain
Precision Medicine, Immunotherapy, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) as Key Topics
VALENCIA, Spain, May 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The EAACI International Congress has commenced with the slogan “Revolutionizing patient care through the power of data science.” Over the next four days, experts will discuss the latest advancements in this impactful area. Allergies, which represent a significant public health issue, encompass a variety of conditions.
Drug allergy is a major adverse reaction that can have serious consequences. “Antibiotics, particularly penicillin and its derivatives, are the drugs that most frequently cause allergic reactions,” says Maria Jose Torres, Secretary General of EAACI. “NSAIDs, radiological contrast media, and chemotherapeutics are also responsible for a significant proportion of reactions,” she details.
Asthma, especially when combined with obesity, has a considerable impact on quality of life if not properly managed. “These two prevalent health conditions significantly affect people's quality of life,” stresses André Moreira, Co-Chair of the Congress Scientific Program.
Another major topic is the progress made in the treatment of allergies. As Stefano Del Giacco, President of EAACI, explains, “In the field of precision medicine, identifying genetic variants associated with increased susceptibility to allergies and using specific biomarkers have improved the management of some types of allergies, allowing the development of more personalised treatments.”
“We are achieving excellent results in the application of immunotherapy for allergic rhinitis and asthma,” says Mübeccel Akdis, Co-Chair of the Congress Scientific Program. “This also applies to food allergies, with oral therapy or the personalisation of vaccines based on the patient's immunological profile.”
Big Data in Allergology “enables the collection and analysis of large amounts of clinical, genetic, and environmental data, which are used to identify risk factors and allergy patterns,” notes Mohamed Shamji, Vice President of the EAACI Congress. AI enhances allergy diagnosis through advanced analysis of clinical data and plays a crucial role in developing new treatments by identifying therapeutic targets and optimizing molecules. “We are at a time of great and promising advances, though not without challenges,” concludes Shamji.
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