Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council Launches Experience Malaysia Healthcare (EMH) Stories
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC) is proud to announce the premiere of EMH Stories, a limited-series video production showcasing the exceptional experience of the healthcare journey of healthcare professionals, patients and technology breakthrough within Malaysia's healthcare travel ecosystem.
Experience Malaysia Healthcare (EMH) Stories is designed to provide an intimate and inspiring glimpse into the diverse and impactful stories within Malaysia's healthcare travel ecosystem. The series aims to demonstrate the expertise and specialization within Malaysia's healthcare system, build the reputation and credibility of Malaysia's healthcare services, and increase awareness and visibility of the Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council brand.
The EMH series showcases the dedication and expertise of medical professionals in Malaysia, celebrating their commitment to patient care, research, and healthcare management. By putting a face to Malaysia's healthcare system, the series highlights their achievements, inspires future healthcare professionals, and explores both the challenges and innovations within the industry. It also features success stories that underscore the positive impact and transformative power of healthcare in Malaysia.
In addition, the series will spotlight patient treatment success stories, illustrating the life-changing impact of Malaysia's healthcare services. From overcoming life-threatening illnesses to regaining quality of life, these stories reveal the dedication, compassion, and advanced care provided by Malaysia's healthcare professionals. Viewers will hear firsthand how patients have been given a second chance at life, emphasizing the transformative effects of Malaysia's healthcare system.
In the debut episode, EMH Stories introduces Dr. Maiza binti Tusimin, Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist, and Reproductive Medicine Specialist at Prince Court Medical Centre. With 23 years of service to her community, Dr. Maiza's career has been marked by a steadfast commitment to women's health, particularly in obstetrics and gynaecology for over 13 years. Viewers will delve into Dr. Maiza's daily routine, where she emphasizes the pivotal role of teamwork in ensuring patient safety and well-being. Reflecting on her early challenges, including a pivotal patient loss that nearly derailed her career, Dr. Maiza shares insights into the resilience required in her profession.
In the upcoming episode, EMH Stories spotlights Dr. Haris Abdul Rahman, a distinguished Haematologist at Subang Jaya Medical Centre. Viewers will be brought through his day-to-day experiences in haematology, a dynamic field where new advancements emerge every 2-3 years, significantly enhancing treatment sophistication. Dr. Haris has been instrumental in transforming the prognosis of chronic myeloid leukemia from a dire outlook to one of hope through groundbreaking advancements in treatment. He will also share memorable moments, including stories of patients who defied initial prognoses and thrived with innovative treatments.
Watch EMH Stories here:
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
For media inquiries and further information, please contact:
Lokman Izam bin Abd Aziz
Vice President
Marketing Communications
Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council
Samantha Lim
Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council
About Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council
Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council (MHTC), founded in 2009 and operating under the purview of Ministry of Health (MOH) Malaysia, is tasked with developing and nurturing the “Malaysia Healthcare” brand. MHTC enhances, coordinates and promotes Malaysia's healthcare travel industry by fostering industry collaborations and establishing valuable public-private partnerships both domestically and internationally. Working with 92 private hospitals across Malaysia, MHTC aims to elevate the healthcare travel industry through an active ecosystem, a robust “Malaysia Healthcare” brand, and strategic market initiatives. The “Malaysia Healthcare” brand aspires to position Malaysia as the premier global healthcare destination. As a significant export service, Malaysia's healthcare travel industry plays a vital role in the nation's economy.
Videos accompanying this announcement are available at:
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