APF Canada and Universities Canada to Host Canada-in-Asia Conference in Singapore February 26-29
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada and Universities Canada invite members of the media to attend the second annual Canada-in-Asia Conference in Singapore from February 26-29, 2024.
The Canada-in-Asia Conferences 2024 event (CIAC2024) will focus on two thematic areas: Agri-food (Feb. 26-27) and Climate Solutions (Feb. 27-29). CIAC2024 will convene business and government leaders, investors and innovators, and researchers and experts from across Asia and Canada to exchange perspectives, knowledge, and ideas and to create collaborative partnerships in these two critical sectors.
Event: Canada-in-Asia Conferences 2024
Date: February 26-29, 2024
Location: Pan Pacific Singapore
Notes for Media:
- Media are asked to confirm their attendance by contacting communications@asiapacific.ca.
Michael Roberts
Communications Director | Directeur des communications
Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada | Fondation Asie Pacifique du Canada
Graham Barber
Assistant Director, International Relations | Directeur adjoint des relations internationales
Universities Canada | Universités Canada
Key Links:
Conference Website: www.canada-in-asia.ca
Conference Speakers: www.canada-in-asia.ca/speakers
APF Canada: www.asiapacific.ca
Universities Canada: www.univcan.ca
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