Yacht Club de Monaco: Yachting Masterclass at La Belle Classe Academy
TURIN, Italy, Aug. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - An intensive course to learn all about superyacht professions. It is the 'Yachting Masterclass' held at Yacht Club de Monaco’s La Belle Classe Academy training center.
On Saturday 27th July, 25 participants in the Yachting Masterclass programme graduated at the Yacht Club de Monaco after three full-on months of learning. “Thanks to this course I’ve already landed my first job in the yachting industry and can apply my knowledge,” says Niamh Murphy, yachting sales and charter assistant and winner of a study grant offered each year as part of the Masterclass. Recognition indeed for these industry newcomers who acquired in-depth expertise in the sector thanks to the numerous professionals involved like programme director Marcela de Kern Royer, Chris Andreason (Captain), Tanguy Ducros (Monaco Marine), Ralph D'azert (Superyacht Times), Tijmen Bergsma (Van Oossanen), Alex Hardy (Lateral), Marsha Van Buitenen (Feadship), Richard Hein (Thea Group), Janet Xanthopoulos (Rosemont), George Lucian (Only Yacht) and Nicolas Fry (Denison Yachting) to name a few. “I looked everywhere for a yachting course and it didn’t exist. I finally found this one and it’s perfect as it covers all topics from yachting vocab to propulsion systems, insurance, classifications and flags, yacht locations and owners, shipyards,” added Céline Deissard, Sales Director in the luxury sector. Open to the public, the Yachting Masterclass course is an opportunity to discover the superyacht universe through a 360° approach that tackles 25 themes. “Being based in Portugal, it allowed me to broaden my knowledge of the sector without having to travel. My knowledge of superyachts came on in leaps and bounds and gave me confidence to achieve my goals as a broker,” concludes Reinoud Bicker, Yachting Branch Manager in Portugal.
From summer 2024, La Belle Classe Academy courses are open to young people aged 16-22 with the Yachting Summer Camps. At the end of a week, they can gain navigation certificates such as the coastal boat and jet ski licenses or take a first aid course, learn the art of knots and ropework, or get to grips with the basics of meteorology at fun educative workshops. After a short break in August and September, apart from the coastal license classes, courses at La Belle Classe Academy, which trains an average 200 to 250 people a year mainly between October and May, will resume 30th September, with a STCW Polar Code course for officers and captains working in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.
Set up in 2015 with the aim being to promote the range of trades associated with the yachting sector, La Belle Classe Academy continues to expand its program. Moreover, having recently achieved official recognition as an RYA (Royal Yachting Association) training center it can now offer the RYA Level 1 and 2 Powerboat Handling courses all-year, further expanding its range of certificated, internationally recognized courses. Under the aegis of the collective 'Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting' initiative, the training center has established itself as one of the most important in the superyacht industry. "We are proud to contribute to the professionalization of the yachting sector and in so doing reinforcing Monaco’s international reputation", says Yacht Club de Monaco general secretary Bernard d’Alessandri.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/d2b9c85c-34c4-4280-a00a-c98f0867d6ba
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