XPENG Rolls Out XOS 5.2 OTA, Enhancing Global User Experience
- XPENG launches its first major synchronized global OTA upgrade for eligible users across Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and other markets
- During the 28-day beta, global users engaged enthusiastically, and nearly a hundred feedback items were integrated into the final OTA update. Additionally, there's a plan to roll out at least four OTA updates in the forthcoming year.
- XPENG hosted its inaugural global user OTA salon in Denmark, focusing on customer feedback and advancing smart mobility on a worldwide scale
GUANGZHOU, China, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - XPENG Motors (“XPENG” or the “Company,” NYSE: XPEV and HKEX: 9868), a leading Chinese smart electric vehicle (“Smart EV”) company has rolled out their latest Tianji XOS 5.2 Over-the-Air (OTA) upgrade worldwide on August 15, unveiling the Smart Cockpit and Intelligent Driving features. The state-of-the-art advancements are supercharged by AI technology, making XPENG’s OTA updates faster and more robust.
Designed to deliver a superior user experience, this OTA upgrade underscores the company's engagement to its customer-focused values. Alongside its European expansion, these enhancements typify the company's unique culture of innovation compared to traditional automakers. Users are raving about XOS 5.2, and Marius from Norway, a beta tester, is particularly impressed. "I must say that the new software update is just amazing," he says. "One of the things I really like is the new split screen; it allows you to view the surrounding environment on one side, while also showing the car's current charging status."
XPENG Tianji XOS 5.2 OTA Asset Library
He Xiaopeng, Chairman and CEO of XPENG, said, "We are proud to be the first emerging Chinese auto brand to conduct a public OTA beta test for our global users. The Tianji XOS 5.2 OTA showcases our world-leading smart driving and R&D capabilities. Positive feedback from users worldwide underscores the increasing role of smart experiences in the future of mobility. We are dedicated to listening to our users and consistently enhancing their experiences. We believe that only truly high-quality technological innovations enable global users more quickly and effectively enjoy the convenience and comfort that these innovations offer, driving society towards a more sustainable future."
In line with its latest strategies, XPENG organized an exclusive offline User Salon in Hillerød, Denmark. On August 13, the event drew together about 30 attendees for an interactive morning involving a showroom tour, followed by elaborate presentations about the OTA features and a dedicated Q&A session. The afternoon was punctuated by hands-on experiences, drawing high acclaim from the users.
The month-long beta testing brought considerable praise and actionable insights, culminating in XOS 5.2 addressing 82% of pertinent feedback from Danish customers with continued enhancements in the pipeline for future releases. XPENG is forging ahead, setting new paradigms for the intelligent electric vehicle industry globally, heralding an exciting new era for its owners.
“In Denmark we are deeply engaged with our customers and we have good processes in place to listen to them and take their feedback into consideration when developing our products. We truly believe that our future growth will happen with our customers as co-creators, and with this release we have proved it once again,” said Joachim Vishart Hummel-Gryholm, Head of Marketing for XPENG Denmark.
XPENG is a global smart electric vehicle company founded in 2014 in Guangzhou, China, developing clean, intuitive, and creative mobility solutions. With its industry-leading R&D facilities, XPENG brings vehicles with superior safety, electrical efficiency, and on-road performance to markets around the globe. The company is constantly working to advance its core technologies, including autonomous driving, SEPA 2.0 and captivating in-vehicle infotainment systems. XPENG is headquartered in Guangzhou and Amsterdam, with additional offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Silicon Valley.
For Media Enquiries:
PR Department
Email: pr@xiaopeng.com
Source: XPENG Motors
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