The Next Step in the Evolution of the Dormer Pramet Brand
CHICAGO, Sept. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dormer Pramet is proud to announce the unveiling of our redefined brand identity at IMTS 2024, marking the beginning of a new era for our company. Visitors to our booth will experience first-hand the fresh visual identity and innovative products that reflect our commitment to simplifying messages and enhancing user experiences.
Certainty at Every Turn: Our new brand promise underscores our dedication to delivering reliable product performance and simple, easy experiences for our customers. This theme resonates through our entire repositioning effort, ensuring that every interaction with Dormer Pramet is dependable and trustworthy.
Key Highlights of the New Brand Identity:
- Unified Global Master Brand: Dormer and Pramet brands are now united under the global master brand, Dormer Pramet, to create a clearly defined space in the market, simplifying product groupings and enhancing customer value. Miranda and Precision will remain within the Dormer Pramet’s portfolio as national hero brands.
- New Visual Identity: Our updated corporate identity, includes a refreshed visual style that will be rolled out across our website, packaging, and various touchpoints.
- New packaging: Starting January 2025, all packaging will transition to grey, with our new brand identity. By making our packaging grey, it means that it can be more easily recycled at the end of life.
- Our commitment: Reflecting our core values, we are dedicated to being collaboratively curious, activating ideas, doing the right thing, and going the extra mile for our customers.
At Dormer Pramet, we care deeply about the manufacturing community. This dedication to supporting our growth and resilience is embedded in our brand values and is reflected in our commitments.
Visitors at IMTS 2024 Can Expect:
- Innovative Product Displays: Experience our latest cutting tools and solutions designed to improve performance and reduce operational costs.
- Interactive Demonstrations: Engage with our experts to understand how our products and solutions can benefit your specific applications.
- Storytelling and Engagement: Learn about our brand values and behaviors through powerful storytelling that highlights our dedication to collaboration, innovation, and customer success.
During this new era of Dormer Pramet we are focused on delivering certainty to our customers. We want customers to be certain they will get a quality tool, certain they can get the information they need quickly, and certain that we will be there for them to find a solution to their tooling problem.
About Dormer Pramet:
Dormer Pramet is a global manufacturer and supplier of tools for the metal cutting industry. It is a part of the Sandvik Group, a global, high-tech engineering group providing solutions that enhance productivity, profitability and sustainability for the manufacturing, mining, and infrastructure industries. Dormer Pramet’s comprehensive product program encompasses both rotary and indexable drilling, milling, threading, and turning tools for use in a wide variety of production environments. An extensive sales and technical support service operates from 20 offices, serving more than 100 markets worldwide. These are assisted by dedicated production facilities in Europe, Americas and Asia, along with an advanced distribution and logistics network.
For media inquiries, reach out to the email address
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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