Exclusive refreshment delights with The European Art of Taste: fruit and veg masterpieces
FERRARA, Italy, Sept. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- How do you keep cool after summer? The perfect solution comes from the highest quality fruits, meticulously selected by The European Art of Taste project: delicious kiwis and juicy oranges! Today, The European Art of Taste presents a special "Refreshing Beverage Collection"— each drink is easy to create yet bursting with summer freshness.
Whether you’re a fan of fruity teas, creamy milkshakes, or icy granitas, we have the ideal choice for you. These aren't just simple recipes — they're exclusive creations that celebrate the extraordinary quality and intense flavor of European fruits.
Kiwi Sparkling Tea: Selected Italian kiwis from The European Art of Taste project, with their unique and enveloping flavor, pair with the freshness of green tea to create a sparkling delight. A must-have to beat the heat!
Ingredients: 2 Kiwis, 1 green tea bag, 30ml gum syrup, 200ml cold water, ice cubes, 100ml sparkling water.
Instructions: Steep the green tea bag in 200ml of cold water overnight. Peel and chop the kiwi, blend it with gum syrup into a puree. Mix the green tea, kiwi puree, and ice cubes, and pour into a glass. Finally, add sparkling water and stir gently.
Kiwi Milkshake: When the sweet and slightly tangy kiwis from The European Art of Taste selection meet the creaminess of vanilla ice cream, the result is a pure pleasure experience!
Ingredients: 2 Kiwis, 200ml milk, 2 scoops vanilla ice cream, 1 tbsp honey, ice cubes, whipped cream.
Instructions: Peel and chop the kiwi. Blend the kiwi, milk, vanilla ice cream, and honey until smooth. Pour into a glass and add ice cubes. Top with whipped cream and enjoy.
Orange Iced Americano: Premium Italian oranges chosen by the project offer a fruity and lively twist to the timeless Iced Americano, creating a drink full of character.
Ingredients: 2 oranges, 100ml iced coffee (Americano), ice cubes, 10ml syrup (optional).
Instructions: Prepare iced coffee and chill it. Peel and chop the oranges, then juice them. Pour the fresh orange juice into a glass and add ice cubes. Slowly pour in the iced coffee to create layers. Add syrup if desired and stir gently before drinking.
Orange Passion Fruit Slush: Surprise your senses with an Orange and Passion Fruit Slush, combining the freshness of European citrus with exotic sweetness in a deliciously refreshing experience.
Ingredients: 2 oranges, 2 passion fruits, 1 cup ice cubes, 30ml sugar, mint leaves (for garnish).
Instructions: Peel and chop the oranges, then juice them. Mix the orange juice, passion fruit, ice cubes, and sugar in a blender and blend until slushy. Pour the slush into a glass and garnish with orange slices and mint leaves. Enjoy immediately to feel the summer coolness.
These are more than just simple recipes—they are exclusive creations celebrating the extraordinary quality and intense flavor of European fruit, guaranteed by rigorous safety standards. Let yourself be inspired and create your own delicious drinks with products from The European Art of Taste for a summer filled with pleasure and well-being!
Press Office:
Renato Pagani Renato.pagani@secnewgate.it – + 39 335 6939561
Giorgia Rizzi giorgia.rizzi@secnewgate.it
News about The European Art of Taste and CSO Italy
The project The European Art of Taste – Fruit & Veg Masterpieces aims to promote and inform about high-quality European fruits and vegetables and is financed by CSO Italy and the European Union. The following Italian companies also participate in the project: RK Growers, Mazzoni Group, Apofruit, Origine Group e Oranfrizer.
CSO Italy, founded in 1998, is a unique entity in Italy that associates many of Italy's leading companies in the production and marketing of domestic fruit and vegetables. Completing the range of members are important companies specializing in different areas of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, from packaging, logistics, processing, machinery, and distribution. CSO Italy's mission is to provide useful services to members to improve and make the Italian fruit and vegetable industry more efficient and competitive. A technical table at the service of the entire Italian fruit and vegetable supply chain to increase its competitiveness through synergy among operators. CSO ITALY, has 73 members, distributed as follows: 51 producer members, 14 supply chain members, 3 subsidizing members and 5 supporting bodies.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/217272c3-0869-487a-8bc1-c9768aafd669
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