Sascha Pallenberg and Rikesh Shah headline the Tomorrow.Mobility congress
BARCELONA, Spain, Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The fourth edition of Tomorrow.Mobility World Congress (TMWC), held at Fira de Barcelona's Gran Via venue from November 5-7, will feature a congress program with over 200 speakers aimed at speeding up the global adoption of new sustainable urban mobility paradigms. Among the experts taking part in the sessions are Sascha Pallenberg, digital transformation expert, and Rikesh Shah, former head of Open Innovation at Transport for London.
Under the theme “Move Better”, TMWC, jointly organized by Fira de Barcelona and EIT Urban Mobility, an initiative of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, a body of the European Union, will feature 50 sessions revolving around ten key topics to achieve a mobility paradigm shift: New Mobility Services, Public Transport, Autonomous Mobility, Last Mile Logistics, Data For Mobility, Mobility Infrastructure For Liveable Spaces, Zero and Low-Emission Mobility, Active Mobility, Road Safety, and Inclusive Mobility.
Digital transformation expert Sascha Pallenberg will be one of the keynote speakers of the 2024 edition of TMWC. Pallenberg is currently the Chief Awareness Officer of Aware, a sustainability platform in Germany, and before that worked as head of Digital Transformation at Daimler AG. He started his career as a blogger, founded Mobilegeeks, and keeps promoting sustainable digital transformation through blogs and podcasts.
The second keynote will be delivered by Rikesh Shah, a renowned public sector innovation expert that currently heads the UK's Innovation Procurement Empowerment Centre. Shah worked at Transport for London (TfL) for 22 years, where he held various roles, including Head of Open Innovation. He was instrumental in setting up TfL's first open innovation unit, which focused on public and private sector collaboration to improve transport services.
The list of speakers will also feature experts from companies and institutions such as Drive Sweden, Mercedes-Benz AG, CARNET, Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network, POLIS network, and the European Commission, to name a few.
Moving towards a new urban landscape
The event will feature an exhibition area and will be held alongside Smart City Expo World Congress, the summit on cities and smart urban solutions, Tomorrow.Building, a forum focusing on the green and digital transition of buildings and urban infrastructures, and Tomorrow.Blue Economy, aimed at using the full potential of ocean resources for a sustainable economic growth.
The events will gather over 1,100 exhibitors, representatives of 850 cities, 700 international experts, and over 25,000 attendees.
Media registration available here
For media requests please contact:
Salvador Bilurbina
phone: +34628162674
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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