Icomera's Quest to Empower Connected Transport Solutions of the Future
Having pioneered the connected journey more than 20 years ago, Icomera, a wholly owned subsidiary of Equans, is now positioning itself as the ultimate partner for the smart, connected journey that lies ahead.
Gothenburg, Sweden, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Icomera celebrated its 25th anniversary at a special event in Berlin last week, attended by many of the world’s leading public transport operators.
When Icomera was founded in Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1999, it sought to deliver the fastest, most reliable connection possible to moving vehicles. The company has been on that connected journey ever since it created the onboard Wi-Fi segment in 2003 – four years before the concept of Internet ‘on the go’ became mainstream with the mass adoption of the smartphone.
Today, as a subsidiary of Equans, a world leader in the energy and services sector, Icomera continues to be the industry pioneer. It has patented technologies across more than 30 patent families – more than anyone else in the field – and produces products that consistently set the highest standards for performance and reliability.
Looking Forward: Ingenious technology. Intelligent solutions. Inspiring partners.
As it looks to the future, Icomera is committed to leveraging its expertise in connectivity to create smarter connected journeys.
As Icomera’s CEO Catherine Chardon revealed at last week’s event, “Icomera’s future strategy is to use our mastery of network connectivity to empower a new generation of transport solutions. Our mission is to be the industry’s partner for the smart, connected journey ahead”.
Icomera’s unique position as a leader in network connectivity is built around three key elements:
1. Ingenious technology: Icomera has a proven track record in network connectivity and a deep understanding of the technology that drives it. It remains committed to being the global leader by designing and building hardware and software that adopts the latest technologies and offers them to the industry at the earliest opportunity, delivering the most dependable connectivity in the process.
2. Intelligent solutions: Icomera has a clear vision for how network connectivity will power a vibrant new world of connected transport, where vehicles are fully integrated into the cloud. This opens up a world of possibilities where assets are monitored autonomously for timely interventions and hazard avoidance, and passengers’ needs can be catered for in real-time or on-demand.
3. Inspiring partners: Icomera has been working ever closer with its clients as a trusted extension of their organisations, ensuring the full potential of this promising future is realised. The company offers an evolving range of managed services that combine proven expertise and practical capabilities in network connectivity with an unwavering commitment to its vision.
Chardon further highlighted the company’s long-term commitment to driving the industry forward:
“Icomera is used to being at the leading edge and investing in the longer-term. The possibilities for the smart connected journey are limitless. The future starts now: new levels of performance in safety, operational efficiency and passenger experiences will soon be within reach. That is why we are offering to partner with transport operators on the journey.
“As a company celebrating our 25th anniversary, but also as a company founded in the spirit of innovation, Icomera will draw on past experiences and explore new approaches to support the industry’s digital transition”.
About Icomera
For over two decades, Icomera has been the world’s leading provider of onboard connectivity solutions. We enable millions of passengers to connect every day with the fastest, most reliable and secure Internet connection currently available to a moving vehicle. Today our networks have the power to fully integrate tens of thousands of vehicles into the cloud, paving the way for a vibrant new world of smart, connected transportation. In the future, our network connectivity will empower a bold new generation of safer, more efficient and sustainable transport solutions. We aim to be the partner of choice for those on the smart, connected journey that lies ahead.
A wholly owned subsidiary of Equans, Icomera is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, with key offices in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, the United States and Canada.
Find out more at icomera.com
About Equans and Equans France
Rooted in a history that goes back more than a century, Equans, subsidiary of the Bouygues group, is a global leader in the energy and services industry. In France, particularly through Ineo, Axima and Bouygues Energies & Services, it has a high territorial density synonymous with proximity. Its 35,000 employees in France support their customers in improving and optimizing their equipment, systems and technical processes so as to meet the challenges of a triple transition, energy, industrial and digital. Equans provides a high level of expertise and technology with the ambition of making a significant contribution to a low carbon and resilient world. Electrical engineering, HVAC, refrigeration, fire safety, Facility Management, IT and telecommunications, digital solutions: Equans' complementary expertise is deployed in France through a unique combination of multi-technical skills for design, construction and installation projects as well as for operation and maintenance services.
Operating in 20 countries, with 90,000 employees working on 5 continents and an annual turnover of €18.8 billion in 2023, the Equans Group connects, powers and protects energy and data to territories, cities, buildings, factories and infrastructures. Following a similar dynamic, its subsidiary Equans France achieved a turnover of 7.1 billion euros in 2023 and operates in nearly 30 different countries. Equans is a Bouygues group company.
www.equans.fr | www.equans.com
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