CT Semiconductor Inaugurates The ATP Chip Semiconductor Chip Technician Training Center
HANOI, Vietnam, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - On October 1st, 2024, The ATP Semiconductor Chip Technician Training Center CT Semiconductor (a member of CT Group) was officially inaugurated and commenced operations at the National Innovation Center (NIC) in Hoa Lac High-Tech Park, Hanoi.
The ATP Semiconductor Chip Technician Training Center at NIC is part of CT Semiconductor's broader activities, which include the establishment of three OSAT plants (two in the South and one in the North), two R&D centers in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, notably, two customer service centers in Silicon Valley and Phoenix, Arizona.
Experienced engineers from various countries will provide specialized training for key personnel through a “Train the Trainer” program focused on semiconductor chip assembly, testing, and packaging. These engineers and final-year electronics students will be equipped to master ATP technology. One key feature is that interns will gain hands-on experience with the latest chip inspection machines and become familiar with different types of chips.
This initiative is a practical step toward realizing the plan to develop 10 OSAT plants in Vietnam, in line with Prime Minister’s Decision No. 1018/QD-TTg, which outlines the strategy for developing Vietnam's semiconductor industry, issued on September 21, 2024.
What sets CT Semiconductor apart is its independent technology approach, with a comprehensive foundation starting from ATP specialist training, which serves OSAT companies, R&D, and production under the 4.0 model. On this occasion, CT Semiconductor also introduced the AMB5600 semiconductor circuit and component testing machine, aimed at supporting research and training at the center. This is the first chip testing machine to be integrated into a training system in Vietnam.
The leader of CT Semiconductor stated: “Only by mastering technology and attracting global talent can Vietnamese semiconductor industry develop sustainably and avoid the pitfalls of merely following trends and seeking FDI for reporting purposes. Twenty years ago, top global chip companies received numerous incentives to come to Vietnam, but this day, the Vietnamese chip industry has not made significant progress, while other ASEAN countries have advanced considerably. We hope for fair support from the ministries and local authorities.”
The aspiration to develop Vietnam's semiconductor industry is admirable but still faces many challenges, requiring collective efforts toward a sustainable technological future for the country.
- Training Center: 3rd Floor, Vietnam National Innovation Center, Hoa Lac High-Tech Park, Hanoi, Vietnam
Email: info@ctsemiconductor.com
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