LambdaTest Launches SmartIgnore in BETA- Advancing Visual Testing with AI-Powered Precision
LambdaTest launches SmartIgnore in BETA, an AI-powered feature that filters out irrelevant visual discrepancies, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of visual testing.
San Francisco, Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Oct 03, 2024, Noida/San Francisco: LambdaTest, a leading cloud-based unified testing platform, announces the launch of Smart Ignore, an innovative feature within its SmartUI visual testing solution, aimed at addressing the challenge of false positives caused by content displacement in dynamic web applications. This new feature significantly enhances visual testing accuracy by intelligently masking layout shifts, enabling users to focus on genuine content changes that impact the user experience.
Unlike traditional pixel-to-pixel comparison, which often triggers false positives due to minor, irrelevant changes like content shifts or screen size adjustments, AI-based Smart Ignore takes a more intelligent approach. By distinguishing between content changes and element shifts, Smart Ignore reduces visual noise, allowing testers to identify only meaningful differences. This results in a more efficient testing process, eliminating unnecessary distractions and making it easier to focus on impactful changes that require attention.
By leveraging artificial intelligence, the displacement-aware comparison feature further enhances this capability by highlighting only the areas with true content changes in scenarios where large portions of a page are affected by shifts. This targeted visual testing makes Smart Ignore particularly useful for pages with frequent updates or dynamic content, ensuring only the most relevant differences are brought to the user's attention.
The feature is beneficial across various use cases. For instance, in content management systems, Smart Ignore helps testers focus on actual content updates by hiding displacement differences from added or removed articles or images. Or, in e-commerce platforms, it ignores shifts caused by product changes, allowing teams to focus on updates in listings or descriptions. During large-scale UI changes, it filters out layout shifts to make identifying specific modifications easier. And, for CSS changes that affect font sizes, or when elements are added/removed, Smart Ignore hides displacement shifts, highlighting only meaningful differences and reducing visual noise.
Currently, in its beta phase, Smart Ignore can be enabled for organizations at no additional cost.
"We're thrilled to introduce Smart Ignore as part of our SmartUI offering. Our goal is to simplify visual testing and minimize distractions caused by irrelevant layout changes, enabling our users to concentrate on what truly matters: delivering an outstanding user experience," said Mayank Bhola, Co-Founder and Head of Product at LambdaTest.
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About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is an intelligent and omnichannel software quality assurance platform that enables businesses to accelerate time to market through AI-powered cloud-based test authoring, orchestration, and execution. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2+ million users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing needs.
• Browser & App Testing Cloud allows users to run both manual and automated tests of web and mobile apps across 5000+ different browsers, real devices, and operating system environments.
• HyperExecute helps customers run and orchestrate test grids in the cloud for any framework and programming language at blazing-fast speeds to reduce quality test time, helping developers build software faster.
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