Appreciation of the Famille Rose Porcelain Plate Painting "Kongming Emerging from the Mountains"
"The southern sleeper holds great ambitions, with a belly full of soldiers, dividing the orthodox and the unique." Created and painted by Zhang Songmao, a master of Chinese arts and crafts and a Jingdezhen ceramic artist, the Famille Rose porcelain plate painting "Kongming Emerging from the Mountains" has shocked the porcelain and painting circles with its unique style and artistic charm of "writing sages with a full brush and highlighting famous ministers with heavy colors." It has also caused a great social sensation among the business and collecting communities.
The porcelain plate of "Kongming Emerging from the Mountains" measures 112 centimeters in length and 39 centimeters in width. The entire painting, executed in the fine brushwork style of Famille Rose, depicts the scene after Liu, Guan, and Zhang's "Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage," where Kongming, moved by their "sincere emotions, genuine intentions, inspiring virtue, and unyielding will," gladly emerges from his seclusion. Thereafter, he strategizes the division of the Three Kingdoms for Liu Bei, demonstrating his brilliant talents and grand plans for stabilizing the nation. The painting portrays four riders leaving the slopes slowly, with Kongming's clear beard fluttering in the breeze, Liu Bei in his yellow robe and red cloak, Guan Yu with his magnificent beard, and Zhang Fei's side glance. The forms and attire of the characters are all vividly depicted by Mr. Zhang's skilled and flowing brushwork, exuding an air of elegance, fluidity, strength, and vitality, greatly enhancing the individual characteristics and image of the main characters, who are "wearing a scholar's hat and draped in a crane cloak."
While focusing on the portrayal of the main characters, the painting also meticulously depicts the temporal and spatial scenery.
Mr. Zhang is also adept at landscape painting, having "gazed south at Lushan, sailed on the Red Cliffs; turned to Jinggang, entered Mount Emei in the east, passed the North through Mount Tai, visited the ancient ruins of Shandong, reached the imperial city, crossed the Luo River, and returned." Although this painting is based on historical events and legendary figures, it extends its brushstrokes to depict the landscape. The foreground features gnarled pines that seem to "belong to the dragons, with dark branches in the thunderstorm; how they wear scales and return to their native land to fly." The pines symbolize the rising of the sleeping dragon. In the distance, there are "peach blossoms trampled in the spring breeze, bamboo paths leading to the home." These temporal and spatial renderings not only create a typical environment but also deepen the theme of Kongming's emergence. The selection of scenery and layout is concise and well-proportioned, embodying "solemnity with an ancient charm, and delicacy with a subtle elegance," making it one of Mr. Zhang's classic works.
According to Xiao Feng, Vice President of the Chinese Artists Association and President of the China Academy of Art, "Between 1988 and 2004, Mr. Zhang Songmao created the 'Three Visits to the Thatched Cottage' porcelain paintings four times, including vases and porcelain plates, always striving for innovation and demonstrating his extraordinary modeling skills." In 1993, one of these porcelain plates was collected by the Japanese sinologist Fujii Ukyoichiro. Later in Yokohama, he had the honor of meeting Mr. Zhang Songmao, who was participating in the "Jingdezhen Masters Trio Exhibition" in Japan. He then commissioned Mr. Zhang to continue painting "Kongming Emerging from the Mountains," hoping to interpret the essence of the classic Chinese novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the form of a picture. Thus, this painting, created in the "Year of the Pig (1995) autumn," not only fulfilled the Japanese friend's wish to "incorporate history into art" but also highlighted the profound cultural heritage and artistic accomplishment of a generation of porcelain painting masters.
In the field of Chinese porcelain art, the names of the masters Zhang Songmao and Xu Yafeng resound like thunder. Their collaborative creation, the "National Porcelain Double Marvel Moon Flask," is crafted using high-quality porcelain clay and undergoes multiple firings, resulting in a delicate body and a smooth glaze. It combines the grandeur of Mr. Zhang Songmao's style with the delicate tenderness of Ms. Xu Yafeng's, showcasing the profound depth of Chinese porcelain art. The flask features smooth lines and an elegant shape, with a size of 50.5*29cm, making it suitable for both home display and collection showcasing.
In terms of color application, the two masters skillfully employ various techniques such as underglaze and overglaze colors, enriching the image with a palette of vibrant hues and distinct layers. Under the illumination of light, the flask radiates brilliance, captivating all who behold it.
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