Cloudera Delivers on True Hybrid Cloud Vision at EVOLVE24 New York
Enhanced capabilities and continued investments accelerate Cloudera’s commitment as the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI
SANTA CLARA, Calif. and NEW YORK, Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudera unveiled its vision and momentum for accelerating the path to true hybrid during its annual data and AI conference, EVOLVE24 New York, happening today, October 10. As the industry’s first and only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI, Cloudera has made a series of technology breakthroughs and investments to strengthen its commitment to enabling every enterprise to bring analytics and AI to data anywhere, helping to enable competitive differentiation.
The growth of hybrid environments in recent years is driven by the critical role of hybrid cloud in leveraging an organization’s complete data footprint. This enables enterprises to boost productivity, predict trends, and capitalize on key business opportunities. When data is kept siloed, enterprises cannot create, shift, and scale workloads and resources across the business, limiting their flexibility to address organizational needs and find new efficiencies. According to data from Cloudera, 93% of data leaders agree that “multi-cloud/hybrid capabilities for data and analytics are key for an organization to adapt to change.”
Cloudera is the only platform for data, analytics, and AI on the market that enables the seamless movement of data and workloads across all environments, empowering the world’s largest brands to transform data of all types into valuable, trusted insights. The Cloudera platform is also uniquely suited to break down traditional data barriers to enable enterprises to analyze data estates in place and bring GenAI models to their data wherever it lives. During today’s conference, customers received a preview of the vision as well as key capabilities in the next release and beyond, such as:
- Unified platform: A single codebase for infrastructures, blurring the boundaries between cloud and on-premises environments. Capabilities, workloads, and governance work and feel the same everywhere, and can be adjusted as needs evolve.
- Hybrid control plane: A “single pane of glass” to manage, monitor, and govern deployments across any infrastructure. This enables continuous optimizations for cost, performance, or any other business needs.
- Open Data Lakehouse on hybrid architecture: Combines the flexibility of data lakes with the performance of data warehouses across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
- Unified security and governance: Consistent security, governance, and lineage across hybrid infrastructures allows organizations to maintain compliance and trust as they shift between infrastructures.
- Federated data access: Ensures a unified hybrid experience where users, data, and analytics can seamlessly move between infrastructures to fit the needs of the organization.
- Graviton (ARM) support: Customers can deploy Cloudera on ARM-based systems (like AWS Graviton) and traditional x86 environments, which ensures flexibility and portability of workloads across cloud, hybrid and on-prem infrastructures.
“While more businesses have opted to take a hybrid approach to data management, simply adopting a hybrid cloud infrastructure is not enough,” said Andrew Brust, Industry Analyst, Blue Badge Insights. “Meaningful results demand a ‘true’ hybrid cloud approach to data management, where data and analytics assets running on-premises and in multiple clouds are managed together and federated into a logical whole. True hybrid delivers more than simply deploying to many infrastructures in isolation; it lets data, analytics, and AI move seamlessly between all, to handle change and always be able to deliver insight and value in the most optimum manner. To achieve this, enterprises need a scalable, flexible data architecture that can grow with them. Cloudera is the only vendor on the market that’s delivering on this promise of helping enterprises achieve true hybrid at every point along their data management and analytics journeys.”
“As more enterprises prepare for an increasingly hybrid world, they’ll need a flexible, scalable, data analytics and AI framework,” said Dipto Chakravarty, Chief Product Officer at Cloudera. “This marks a pivotal moment for Cloudera as we continue to invest heavily into supporting enterprises on their true hybrid journeys. Change is now. Hybrid is now and we look forward to continuing to build upon the foundation that enables enterprises to thrive every step of the way.”
Click here to learn more about how Cloudera can support the future of data, analytics, and AI.
About Cloudera
Cloudera is the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI. With 100x more data under management than other cloud-only vendors, Cloudera empowers global enterprises to transform data of all types, on any public or private cloud, into valuable, trusted insights. Our open data lakehouse delivers scalable and secure data management with portable cloud-native analytics, enabling customers to bring GenAI models to their data while maintaining privacy and ensuring responsible, reliable AI deployments. The world’s largest brands in financial services, insurance, media, manufacturing, and government rely on Cloudera to use their data to solve what seemed impossible—today and in the future.
To learn more, visit and follow us on LinkedIn and X. Cloudera and associated marks are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cloudera, Inc. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
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