Amlan International Forges Strategic Partnership with Grupo Profil as its Newest Latin American Dist
Amlan Forges Partnership with Newest Latin American Distributor, Grupo Profil
CHICAGO, Feb. 28, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amlan® International, the animal health division of Oil-Dri® Corporation of America, is excited to announce its partnership with Grupo Profil as the newest distributor for the Latin American region. Known for their dedication to providing natural alternatives and comprehensive solutions in prophylaxis and nutrition to the regional livestock sector, Grupo Profil will now offer Amlan's innovative, natural feed additives to animal health retailers across Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras.
Amlan will collaborate with Profil to expand its impact on the growing Latin American market. Profil's commitment to delivering advanced, effective solutions to the market perfectly aligns with Amlan's mission to enhance animal health and productivity while reducing reliance on antibiotics and synthetic additives.
Through this partnership, Profil will distribute Amlan’s Calibrin®-Z, Calibrin®-A, Varium®, and NeoPrime®, catering to the poultry, swine, aquaculture, and dairy sectors.
"We are thrilled to partner with Amlan to introduce their products to our customers in Central America," said Roberto Trabanino, President of Grupo Profil. "Amlan's commitment to sustainability and providing functional, natural alternatives perfectly complements our own passions and objectives. This partnership represents an exciting opportunity to support growth in LATAM and offer our customers innovations that enhance animal productivity and their bottom lines."
In 2022, the poultry and swine industries in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras showcased remarkable resilience and growth, collectively producing 1.4 million metric tons of chicken meat, representing nearly two-thirds of Central America's total output, based on the Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database. Guatemala led the charge with 385,000 MT, demonstrating significant industry leadership. These countries exhibited the highest regional growth rates in broiler production, averaging an impressive 5.5% annually from 2017 to 2022, surpassing the 4.1% regional average. Additionally, they played pivotal roles in swine and milk production, contributing almost one-third of the region's output in both sectors.
Despite these achievements, producers in the region face persistent challenges such as high feed costs, disease outbreaks, and environmental pressures. However, Amlan’s innovative solutions like biotoxin control, feed efficiency technologies, and natural antimicrobial feed additives offer promising avenues for addressing these hurdles. By leveraging these advancements, producers can mitigate mortality rates, reduce feed-related expenses, and enhance protein safety standards, thereby fostering sustainable and profitable production practices.
Robin Jarquin, Director of Latin America at Amlan, expressed, "Central America is actively seeking effective alternatives to address the productivity challenges they encounter. Our relationship with Profil marks a significant advancement for producers in the region. With Profil’s specialized industry expertise and commitment, we are confident that together, we will help producers improve animal health with our proven gut health solutions. We can’t wait to see the positive impact we can make in the region."
For more information about Amlan, please visit To learn more about Profil, please visit
Company Information:
Amlan is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a leading global manufacturer and marketer of sorbent minerals. Leveraging over 80 years of expertise in mineral science, Oil-Dri Corporation of America, doing business as "Amlan International," is a publicly traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ODC). Amlan International sells feed additives worldwide. Product availability may vary by country, associated claims do not constitute medical claims, and may differ based on government requirements.
Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, B2B Email:
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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