Wasabi Technologies Appoints Jon Howes as Senior Vice President of Global Sales
Howes to utilize his over two decades of leadership experience to drive exceptional growth globally for Wasabi hot cloud storage
Wasabi Technologies, the hot cloud storage company, today announced the appointment of Jon Howes as senior vice president of global sales. After serving as Wasabi’s vice president and general manager for EMEA since January 2023, Jon will now lead the company’s global sales program.
This press release features multimedia. View the full release here: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241029042051/en/
Under Howes’ leadership, Wasabi achieved a significant footprint across EMEA, driving approximately 77% year over year growth in annual recurring revenue. He also played a pivotal role in building key partnerships for Wasabi with some of EMEA’s largest companies including Retelit, Bechtle, Exclusive Networks, TD Synnex, and more. Beyond EMEA, Wasabi has seen tremendous growth, including over 90,000 customers, 15,000 partners, operations in over 100 countries, 400 employees, and establishing 14 storage regions, with additional expansions on the horizon.
“I am eager to continue building upon Wasabi’s momentum on a global scale,” said Howes. “The remarkable progress Wasabi has made since I joined is a testament to how much customers and partners value Wasabi’s offerings. I look forward to collaborating with the sales organization worldwide to drive further growth and identify new opportunities.”
Prior to joining Wasabi, Howes held senior sales and channel positions in EMEA for Juniper Networks, Infovista, and Oracle. In this new role, he will lead global sales operations, directing a high-performance team to scale Wasabi’s presence and market leadership. Howes will be succeeded by Kevin Dunn, who has served as Wasabi’s country manager for the UK, Ireland, Nordics & South Africa since May 2022.
“Jon has built a very successful organization in EMEA, and we see the value in his exceptional leadership skills and his understanding of Wasabi's business as instrumental for our global sales initiatives,” said Marty Falaro, EVP and COO of Wasabi. “I’m confident Jon will continue to elevate our global presence and look forward to seeing Wasabi grow under his leadership to solidify our position as the leader in cloud storage.”
As Wasabi continues its impressive global growth and forges key strategic partnerships, the organization remains dedicated to providing secure, high-performance, and cost-effective storage solutions that meet and exceed customer needs. The appointment of Howes highlights Wasabi’s dedication to innovation, leadership, and its mission to store the world’s data.
About Wasabi Technologies
Recognized as one of the technology industry’s fastest growing companies, Wasabi is on a mission to store the world's data by making cloud storage affordable, predictable and secure. With Wasabi, visionary companies gain the freedom to use their data whenever they like without being hit with unpredictable fees or vendor lock-in. Instead, they’re free to build best-of-breed solutions with the industry’s fastest-growing ecosystem of independent cloud application partners. Customers and partners all over the world trust Wasabi to help them put their data to work so they can unlock their full potential. Visit wasabi.com to learn more.
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