FPT Opens Regional Headquarters in Saudi Arabia, Driving Innovation Across the Middle East
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia -- (BUSINESS WIRE) --
Global tech corporation FPT has inaugurated its regional headquarters in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, as part of its global expansion strategy to meet the rising demand for digital services and solutions. This expansion marks FPT as the first Vietnamese firm licensed for regional operations in Saudi Arabia, reaffirming its dedication to the Kingdom’s digital transformation and Vision 2030. The opening ceremony coincided with Vietnam Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh’s official visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Located in the heart of the region’s largest economy, the Riyadh regional headquarters positions FPT closer to key clients and unlocks new business opportunities. By leveraging FPT's global network and extensive expertise in AI and semiconductors, along with deep insights in manufacturing, banking, government, transportation, and beyond, the regional headquarters strengthens the company’s ability to expand its regional presence and enhance service delivery throughout the Middle East.
This move aligns with the Regional Headquarters program, launched by the Saudi government as part of its Vision 2030 initiative, which encourages multinational companies to establish their regional headquarters in Riyadh, enhancing their operations throughout the Middle East and North Africa region. This initiative aims to position the nation as a leading business and investment hub, driving growth and fostering innovation.
As the first Vietnam-based enterprise authorized for regional operations in Saudi Arabia, FPT is poised to meet the region’s growing demand for advanced technology. With a young, tech-savvy population across the Middle East driving digital adoption in various industries, FPT is well-positioned to seize new business opportunities, foster local employment, facilitate cultural exchange, and promote knowledge transfer. The new regional headquarters is also set to build sustainable partnerships with public and private entities, playing an active role in advancing Saudi Arabia and the region’s technological ecosystem.
Dang Tran Phuong, FPT Software Senior Executive Vice President shared: “As FPT continues to expand our global presence and client base, the Middle East remains an important part of our strategy. Our strategic direction aligns closely with that of the region, particularly in AI. With our extensive experience in this market, we understand the unique aspects of the business culture in the Middle East and are dedicated to actively collaborating with local companies and enhancing local recruitment. This commitment enables us to provide the best services for our clients while consistently supporting them on their digital transformation journeys.”
“Our new regional headquarters symbolizes our firm commitment to Saudi Arabia’s journey to becoming the Middle East’s leading technology hub. FPT remains steadfast with our commitment to enabling speed, agility, and scalability for our regional customers and promoting cross-border collaborations,” Rimah Ghaddar, FPT Software Middle East Chief Executive Officer pledged.
FPT’s strategic focus on AI, integrated into all its services and solutions, aligns with Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030, which aims to diversify the economy, foster innovation, and enhance public services through technological advancements. Since establishing its first office in the Middle East in 2020, FPT has rapidly expanded its footprint, experiencing significant growth with key clients across various sectors. Leveraging its global expertise and technology, FPT is poised to drive transformative change and contribute to the Kingdom’s and the region’s ambitious development goals, while strengthening global partnerships and building strong regional collaborations.
FPT's regional headquarters in Saudi Arabia is located at the Esplanade, Prince Turki Bin Abdulaziz Al Awwal, King Saud University, Riyadh, 12371, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
About FPT Corporation
FPT Corporation (FPT) is a globally leading technology and IT services provider headquartered in Vietnam. FPT operates in three core sectors: Technology, Telecommunications, and Education. During over three decades of development, FPT has constantly provided practical and effective products to millions of people and tens of thousands of business and non-business organizations worldwide, establishing Vietnam’s position on the global tech map. Keeping up with the latest market trends and emerging technologies, FPT has developed the Made-by-FPT ecosystem of services, products, solutions, and platforms, which enables sustainable growth for organizations and businesses and offers distinctive experiences to customers. In 2023, FPT recorded a total revenue of USD 2.17 billion and 48,000+ employees.
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