Pangea Launches Two New Advanced Materials
Pulvera & Verita Offer Industry-Leading Luxury with Reduced Environmental Impact
ROCHESTER, Mich., Nov. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pangea, a leading innovator in sustainable materials for the automotive industry, proudly announces the launch of two groundbreaking products: Pulvera and Verita. These advanced automotive leathers represent a bold step in Pangea's ongoing commitment to sustainability and responsible manufacturing practices, aligning with the company's vision of creating eco-friendly materials that meet the needs of a changing world.
In 2024, Pangea's global teams set out to design a new class of leather materials specifically for the automotive industry. These products are not only nearly 90% bio-based in their finished state but also actively divert materials from landfills, dramatically reducing waste in an innovative way.
“Nothing Replaces Real: Charting the Path to a Zero-Waste Future”
As part of the Pangea Corporate Trend Show series, Pangea introduced "Chart the Path," a key chapter in the company's sustainability journey. Engaging with customers, Pangea outlined how durable, natural materials are transforming the automotive industry while aligning with global sustainability goals. The highlight of the series was the launch of Pulvera and Verita, two new product offerings that set new benchmarks for lower environmental impact, innovative recycled chemistry, and reduced Global Warming Potential (GWP).
Introducing Pangea Pulvera: Ecological Leather with a Circular Process
Pulvera is a full-bodied leather that embraces a circular manufacturing process. By incorporating a recycled compound made from buffing waste, Pulvera significantly reduces its environmental footprint. This unique process, which utilizes water and renewable energy, transforms leather waste into a valuable resource that replaces nearly half of the chemicals used in dyeing and softening the leather.
- Renewable Chemistry: 29% of all chemicals used
- Recycled Chemistry: 37% in the retanning process; 16% of all chemicals overall
- Environmental Impact: Global Warming Potential (GWP) impact up to 40% lower than traditional retanning processes
Pulvera stands out as a luxurious, sustainable material that exemplifies Pangea's commitment to eco-friendly innovations in automotive interiors.
Introducing Pangea Verita: Lavish, Compostable Leather with Low Environmental Impact
Pangea Verita elevates the art of leather craftsmanship by creating a compostable substrate through an alternative metal-free tanning process. This semi-aniline material highlights the natural beauty of the animal hide with minimal coating, emphasizing its unique characteristics while maintaining a lower environmental footprint.
- Renewable Chemistry: 45% of all chemicals used
- Global Warming Potential (GWP): Up to 12% lower than standard chrome-tan substrates
- Biogenic Carbon: 92% bio-based as a finished product
Verita's innovative design and sustainable chemistry enable a higher biogenic carbon content, enhancing its alignment with a circular economy and reducing its overall impact on the environment.
Building a Sustainable Future with Bio-Based Materials
Pangea's new products, Pulvera and Verita, showcase how high bio-based content materials can revolutionize the automotive industry without compromising performance. With traditional Pangea leathers already achieving 80-85% bio-based content, Pulvera and Verita push these boundaries further, reaching up to 92% bio-based in their end products.
These advancements reinforce Pangea's belief that leather, as a natural and highly renewable material, plays a vital role in creating a more sustainable future for the automotive industry. By increasing the use of bio-based resources, Pangea is dedicated to reducing the carbon footprint of its products and contributing to a healthier planet.
About Pangea
Pangea is a global leather supplier to the world’s leading automotive brands, providing sustainable solutions that drive the future of interiors. Headquartered in Rochester Hills, Michigan, Pangea serves its customers on four continents with 3,000 team members. For more information, visit, and follow us on LinkedIn.
Media Contact
Jacquelyn Smith, Pangea
Media Attachments

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