Gala Games Takes Decentralization Further with GalaChain Integration on Bitrue
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - In a pivotal move for blockchain accessibility, Gala Games announces the integration of GalaChain with Bitrue, making it the first mainstream international exchange to support Gala’s proprietary layer-1 blockchain. Starting November 13, 2024, Bitrue users will be able to directly exchange GalaChain assets, eliminating the need to bridge to Ethereum and marking a significant milestone in GalaChain’s journey toward full decentralization.
Through this integration, GalaChain gains exposure on Bitrue’s global platform, offering seamless asset exchange to a larger audience without the customary Ethereum bridging fees. This collaboration is set to create a streamlined experience, boosting GalaChain’s accessibility for both users and developers. Now, the following paired trading parties are available for users: GALA/USDC, GALA/USDT, GALA/BTC, GALA/BTR and GALA/XRP.
“Adding seamless access to over $13 billion in USD liquidity to GalaChain will be a massive step forward for our entire community,” said Eric Schiermeyer, CEO and founder of Gala Games. “Our partnership and integration of GalaChain into Bitrue is just the beginning and the first of many centralized exchanges!”
Shruti Kohli, Bitrue’s Head of Global Business Development expressed enthusiasm about the partnership: “Gala’s commitment to a decentralized future is a perfect fit with our vision. GalaChain uniquely bridges film, music, and gaming, offering unparalleled opportunities for developers and users alike. By integrating GalaChain on our platform, we’re opening doors for creators across these industries to innovate in ways that weren’t previously possible, reinforcing our commitment to supporting the future of web3.”
The partnership also brings GalaChain’s developer-focused infrastructure to Bitrue, supporting developers building dApps on GalaChain by creating new pathways to onboard users to the Gala ecosystem. Gala’s expanding toolkit, including the public-facing SDK and GalaSwap, further enriches GalaChain’s appeal for developers and businesses aiming to leverage blockchain.
For more information, please visit Gala Games and Bitrue, and follow Gala on X, telegram, or discord and read more about Gala’s approach to decentralization in the white paper.
About Gala Games
Gala Games, founded in 2019 by Eric Schiermeyer, is a pioneer in blockchain-based gaming and entertainment, dedicated to empowering players through true digital ownership and decentralization. Gala is revolutionizing the industry with its groundbreaking platform built on GalaChain, a purpose-built Layer 1 blockchain tailored for Web3 applications in gaming, music, and film. By leveraging GalaChain’s decentralized architecture and high-performance capabilities, Gala Games is transforming digital asset ownership, offering players unprecedented control and value through blockchain-powered ecosystems
Gala Games’ ecosystem is powered by GALA tokens, which are distributed daily based on an annual halving model. These tokens are split between the platform’s Founder’s Node operators and the Gala Games Conservatorship, reinforcing the company’s commitment to decentralization and community-driven growth. GALA is now available on the Bitrue exchange, expanding access to this innovative gaming token. For more information visit or follow Gala on X, Telegram, or Discord.
About Bitrue
Bitrue is a global cryptocurrency exchange known for its innovation in decentralized finance solutions, offering a secure platform for a wide range of blockchain-based assets.
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