Blackshape debuts at Abu Dhabi Air Expo
ROMA, Italy, Nov. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Blackshape, an Italian aircraft design and manufacturing company (part of Angel Holding), will be a key participant at the Air Expo Abu Dhabi, a significant international event for the aviation industry, running from November 19-21, 2024. For the first time in the UAE, Blackshape will showcase the all-composite Gabriél BK160-200 at stand 440, an advanced and versatile aircraft that exemplifies Italian excellence and technological innovation. Founded in Monopoli (Bari, Italy), Blackshape is celebrated for its quality "Made in Italy" design and cutting-edge technology, earning it recognition among pilots and aviation enthusiasts worldwide. With over 100 aircraft produced, Blackshape excels in utilizing composite materials to craft sleek, high-performance aircraft that cater to civil, military, and recreational markets. The Gabriél BK160-200 is an all-composite, piston-engine, two-seat tandem aircraft with retractable landing gear, fully certified by both EASA and FAA. Its versatility makes it ideal for basic flight training for both civilian and military pilots, as well as for private and recreational use. Available in AVGAS and MOGAS versions, the Gabriél provides an advanced, flexible solution that meets both performance and sustainability standards. As part of its participation in the Air Expo, a Gabriél BK160-200 will make a journey of over 4,000 kilometers from Italy to the United Arab Emirates, piloted by the company's chief pilot, symbolizing Blackshape's ambition and pioneering spirit. This impressive flight also serves as a real-world demonstration of the aircraft's reliability and long-distance performance. In addition to the Gabriél, Blackshape manufactures the Prime, a two-seat tandem ultralight aircraft, also made of composite materials. Certified by aviation authorities in several countries, the Prime is admired by pilots and aviation enthusiasts for its agility and high performance.
“We are thrilled to showcase the Gabriél BK160-200 for the first time at this event and to see our engineering and manufacturing excellence appreciated in a region that has always valued avantgarde technology and innovation,” said Blackshape CEO Niccolò Chierroni. "This participation represents a strategic step to strengthen our presence in international markets and to further position Blackshape's Gabriel, along with future developments, as a reference platform for primary/basic aeronautical training.”
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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