‘Playtime is Over’ for GenAI: NTT DATA Research Shows Organizations Shifting From Experiments to Inv
Report surveyed over 2,300 IT and business leaders in 12 industries and 34 countries
- 97% of CEOs anticipate a material impact from this technology
- 99% of organizations are planning further GenAI investments
- 90% said legacy infrastructure hinders effective use of GenAI
NTT DATA, a global digital business and IT services leader, today released the first results of its extensive original research that reveals “playtime is over” for GenAI. The results overwhelmingly found that leaders are turning their focus from experimentation to long-term use cases that transform business performance, workplace culture, compliance, safety and sustainability.
The study, “Global GenAI Report: How organizations are mastering their GenAI destiny in 2025,” found that almost all leaders surveyed already have invested in GenAI, and 83% have established “expert” or “robust” GenAI teams. Top use cases for GenAI include:
- Personalized service recommendations and knowledge management
- Quality control
- Research and Development (R&D)
“The future is clear. Generative AI is more than just another tool – it’s a transformative force,” said Yutaka Sasaki, President and Chief Executive Officer, NTT DATA Group. “As we move beyond experimentation, a tension emerges: move too fast, and we risk unintended circumstances; move too slow and we fall behind. Getting GenAI right isn’t optional. That’s why we’re providing a blueprint to help our clients harness its potential for lasting success.”
Two-thirds of C-suite respondents said GenAI will be a “game changer” over the next two years and will improve:
- Productivity and efficiency
- Sustainability
- Compliance
- Business processes
- Security
- Employee experience
Strategy and Transformation
- A cycle of consolidation and integration of GenAI technologies is beginning that combines experimental, phased and specific approaches. Focused spending plans will replace scattered experimentation in a relatively short time:
- 97% of CEOs anticipate a material impact from this technology.
- 70% of CEOs expect significant transformation in 2025.
- 83% of respondents said they have a well-defined GenAI strategy in place, but 51% have not yet aligned that strategy with their business plans. This gap limits return on investment and satisfaction with current outcomes.
Innovation and Technology
Nearly all respondents agree GenAI can spark creativity and improve R&D activities. Given the rapid adoption and advancement of GenAI technology, organizations will have to constantly re-evaluate and evolve their strategies and operating models. Key findings:
- 90% said legacy infrastructure hinders effective use of GenAI.
- 96% of CIOs and CTOs said cloud-based solutions are the most practical method for supporting GenAI applications.
People and Culture
96% of respondents are considering how GenAI can streamline future employee workflows and support processes. However, 67% of respondents said their employees lack the necessary skills to work with GenAI. About half are planning employee education and training to increase GenAI adoption.
The top obstacles to adoption are:
- Users who perceive limited value for a GenAI solution
- Limited or no awareness of the solution
- User resistance to the technology
- Concerns about GenAI’s safety and security
Ethics, Safety and Sustainability
As GenAI infuses into daily life, balancing responsibility and innovation will be a moral imperative as well as a strategic necessity for leaders, organizations and society as a whole. Leaders largely recognize a mandate to strike this balance. Specifically:
- 81% said it’s “very important” for leaders to help employees balance innovation and responsibility.
- 72% said their organization lacks a GenAI usage policy for employees, including guidance on protecting intellectual property.
- 45% of CISOs expressed concerns about the technology, saying they feel “pressured, threatened or overwhelmed.”
- 82% said government regulations on AI are unclear, which hinders GenAI strategies, and most respondents expect spending on GenAI-related regulatory compliance will increase.
Despite significant challenges, 68% of respondents globally said they feel “excited” and “amazed” about GenAI’s transformative potential.
“This is a powerful point in world history as GenAI is shaping up to be a huge force in our tech-enabled economy,” said Abhijit Dubey, Chief Executive Officer, NTT DATA, Inc. “In supporting and driving this next era, NTT DATA feels an acute responsibility to our clients, our people and society to ensure that everything we design, implement, deploy and manage is highly resilient, capable and responsible.”
About the Report
NTT DATA commissioned Jigsaw Research to conduct primary research during late September and early October 2024. The team surveyed leaders from organizations in 34 countries across North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East and Africa. 98% of the 2,300+ respondents have direct authority or influence over GenAI purchase decisions.
The represented industries are Banking and Investment (11%); Insurance (9%); Manufacturing (14%); Automotive (8%); Logistics, Travel and Transportation (5%); Telco, Media and Technology (9%); Healthcare (9%); Life Sciences and Pharmaceuticals (9%); and Retail and Consumer Packaged Goods (5%); Public Sector (8%); Energy and Utilities (7%); Higher Education and Research (6%).
Learn more about NTT DATA’s GenAI services and download the full report.
NTT DATA is a $30+ billion trusted global innovator of business and technology services. We serve 75% of the Fortune Global 100 and are committed to helping clients innovate, optimize and transform for long-term success. As a Global Top Employer, we have diverse experts in more than 50 countries and a robust partner ecosystem of established and start-up companies. Our services include business and technology consulting, data and artificial intelligence, industry solutions, as well as the development, implementation and management of applications, infrastructure and connectivity. We are also one of the leading providers of digital and AI infrastructure in the world. NTT DATA is part of NTT Group, which invests over $3.6 billion each year in R&D to help organizations and society move confidently and sustainably into the digital future. Visit us at nttdata.com
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