远程超级VAN塞尔维亚上市, 欧洲首秀开启新征程
On November 18, 2024, local time, Farizon successfully hosted its brand launch event and SV debut in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. The event welcomed approximately 200 guests, including media representatives, potential key clients, and distributors from across the Balkan region. This marks Farizon's first official appearance in the European market, signifying a remarkable step forward in its journey to becoming a global leader in new energy commercial vehicles from China.
The Serbian and regional portfolio includes two fully electric transporters, the Farizon SV and V6E, which combine advanced technology, modern design, and superior performance, effectively meeting the most demanding business challenges.
Mr. Li Ming, Chinese Ambassador to Serbia took a group photo in front of the vehicle.
Mr. Li Ming, Chinese Ambassador to Serbia, attended the event in person. He stated that China possesses leading technologies and a mature production and supply chain in the new energy vehicle industry. It has developed advantages in the highly competitive market environment, offering more diversified choices for international consumers and making contributions to the sustainable development of both China and the world. It is hoped that enterprises from both China and Serbia will continue to strengthen cooperation in emerging fields such as new energy vehicles, injecting new impetus into further deepening the China-Serbia comprehensive strategic partnership and building a shared future.
Cook Xue, General Manager of Farizon Auto International Company, presented the keys to the first SV customer.
远程塞尔维亚合作伙伴Delta Auto集团总经理兼Delta控股副总裁Aleksandra Đurđević表示:“远程始终高度重视环保、创新和可靠性,致力于推动可持续发展。这种理念与我们的愿景高度一致。未来我们将携手合作,共同为客户提供卓越的产品和服务,创造更加绿色和智能的未来。” 她进一步强调,远程品牌及其超级VAN车型的引入,进一步巩固了贝尔格莱德作为2027年世博会承办城市的区域科技创新中心地位。远程在塞尔维亚的首个展厅将于今年年底正式开放,为塞尔维亚乃至欧洲客户带来更多优质的产品和服务。
“Farizon vehicles are celebrated for their innovation, reliability, and eco-friendliness, aligning perfectly with our vision of sustainable development and delivering premium quality to our clients.” stated Aleksandra Đurđević, General Director of Delta Auto Group and Vice President of Delta Holding. She further emphasized that the arrival of the Farizon brand in Serbia, along with the European premiere of the SV model, strengthens Belgrade’s position as a regional hub for technological innovation, highlighted by the city hosting the EXPO 2027 event. Farizon's first showroom in Serbia is set to officially open by the end of this year, offering high-quality products and services to customers in Serbia and across Europe.
The successful conclusion of this launch event marks an important milestone for Farizon as it takes Serbia as the starting point to expand into the European and global markets. Early next year, the Farizon SV will officially launch across Europe, paving the way for collaborative efforts with more partners to advance green transportation development across the continent.
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