OTC Markets Group Announces Launch of MOON ATS, A New Overnight Trading Platform for National Market
OTC Markets now offers overnight sessions for both exchange-listed NMS securities and OTC equity securities through OTC Link
NEW YORK, Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), an operator of regulated financial markets for over 12,000 U.S. and global securities, announced the official launch of MOON ATS™, following the completion of the SEC filing process. MOON will offer access to National Market System (NMS) securities listed on major exchanges during the overnight session, making OTC Markets Group one of the first ATS operators offering broker-dealer subscribers the ability to trade both OTC equity and exchange-listed NMS securities overnight.
MOON will provide APAC investors with access to U.S. NMS securities during their local daytime hours. It will also provide U.S. investors with the ability to trade in the late evening and early morning hours. Eligible NMS securities will be available for trading from 8 PM to 4 AM Eastern Time, Sunday to Thursday. APAC Region market hours will be from 8 AM to 4 PM UTC+8, Monday to Friday.
OTC Overnight™ and MOON ATS arrive at a time of increasing demand for global securities priced in U.S. dollars and during the overnight session. These platforms offer capabilities that will significantly expand market accessibility, transparency, and data coverage around the globe. OTC Overnight and MOON ATS signify an evolution of the Company’s service and a new milestone in overnight trading, launched at a critical moment as broker-dealers seek to enhance the experience for U.S. and global investors.
Matt Fuchs, Executive Vice President of Market Data at OTC Markets, commented, “America’s capital markets are the center of the financial world. We are excited to launch more opportunities for global investors to trade a range of stocks through U.S. broker-dealers. We believe we bring a unique value proposition by utilizing our mission critical infrastructure to serve clients in a new market that is poised for significant growth.”
For more information, visit https://www.otcmarkets.com/otc-link/moon-overnight and https://www.otcmarkets.com/market-data/moon-overnight.
About OTC Markets Group Inc.
OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM) operates regulated markets for trading 12,000 U.S. and international securities. Our data-driven disclosure standards form the foundation of our three public markets: OTCQX® Best Market, OTCQB® Venture Market and Pink® Open Market. Our OTC Link® Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) provide critical market infrastructure that broker-dealers rely on to facilitate trading. Our innovative model offers companies more efficient access to the U.S. financial markets. OTC Link ATS, OTC Link ECN and OTC Link NQB are each an SEC regulated ATS, operated by OTC Link LLC, a FINRA and SEC registered broker-dealer, member SIPC.
Media Inquiries:
OTC Markets Group Inc., +1 (212) 896-4428, media@otcmarkets.com
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