CGTN: 'Golden partners': China, Brazil seek a more just world, sustainable planet
BEIJING, Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - CGTN publishes an article on China and Brazil's plans to seek a more just world and a sustainable planet.
The project has so far transmitted 180 terawatt hours of hydropower, saving 64 million tonnes of standard coal or cutting 170 million tonnes of CO2 emissions. The project is a major achievement of China-Brazil cooperation in new infrastructure construction.
"China is actively involved in Brazil's ongoing energy transition," Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva told China Media Group.
In talks with Lula on Wednesday in Brasilia, Chinese President Xi Jinping said China is ready to work with Brazil as "golden partners" who help each other succeed, and to keep working toward the goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind.
The two countries have elevated their ties to a China-Brazil community with a shared future for a more just world and a more sustainable planet, and agreed to align the Belt and Road Initiative with Brazil's development strategies.
'Golden partners'
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Brazil. Over the past half-century, the two nations have made significant achievements in economic and trade cooperation, strengthening bilateral economic and trade ties.
China has been Brazil's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years and is a major source of foreign investment, while Brazil has long been China's top trading partner in Latin America. According to statistics, China's annual imports from Brazil in the past three years have stayed above $100 billion.
Beyond traditional manufacturing and goods trade, Chinese companies have actively participated in renewable energy projects in Brazil, including hydropower, solar and wind energy projects. This involvement in green economic development has further diversified and advanced China-Brazil investment cooperation.
Cultural exchanges between China and Brazil have also thrived, strengthening the friendship between their peoples. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations, the Brazilian city of Recife has designated 2024 as the "Year of China" to foster a conducive environment for cultural relations.
Xi called on the two countries to continue to deepen synergies of their development strategies and enhance cooperation in areas including aerospace, agricultural science and technology and clean energy, adding that China is ready to continue enhancing cooperation on poverty reduction with Brazil.
Lula said enhanced synergy of development strategies between Brazil and China will greatly contribute to Brazil's reindustrialization and set an example of solidarity, cooperation and mutual benefit among developing countries.
More just world, sustainable planet
In a rapidly changing world, China and Brazil are coordinating closely and consistently within multilateral frameworks, such as the UN, G20 and BRICS, on crucial issues, including global governance and climate change, amplifying the voices of developing countries and safeguarding the interests of emerging markets.
In May, China and Brazil jointly issued a six-point common understanding on political settlement of the Ukraine crisis, receiving a positive response from the international community.
Meanwhile, the two countries, together with some other Global South countries, launched the group of "Friends for Peace" on the crisis, with the goal of bringing together more voices for peace.
In terms of poverty reduction, both countries are determined to tackle challenges and are willing to share their solutions with others.
Hailing the two countries for increasingly becoming positive forces for peace, Xi called on China and Brazil to demonstrate their strength to safeguard world peace and justice, and work together to address global challenges related to the future and destiny of mankind.
He also called for strengthening cooperation in fields such as green transformation, sustainable development, climate change response and artificial intelligence governance.
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