Colliers named World’s Best Real Estate Advisor by Euromoney
Earns most awards globally with wins in 16 categories
TORONTO, Nov. 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading global diversified professional services company Colliers (NASDAQ and TSX: CIGI) is proud to be named World’s Best Real Estate Advisor by the prestigious Euromoney Global Real Estate Awards. Building on last year’s Best Global Agency win, Colliers continued to receive the most accolades globally in 2024, with top rankings in 16 categories including Asia Pacific’s Best Real Estate Advisor, Europe’s Best Real Estate Advisor and Latin America’s Best Real Estate Agency.
“These awards speak volumes about Colliers’ global excellence in real estate advisory and client service across markets. From completing landmark transactions to securing project financing and revitalizing historic buildings, we are delivering on our mission to maximize the potential of property and real assets for our clients,” said Chris McLernon, Chief Executive Officer, Real Estate Services | Global at Colliers. “We owe our success as one of the fastest-growing global real estate services firms to our talented professionals who lead the industry with their expertise and best-in-class solutions.”
Euromoney’s Real Estate Awards celebrate the market’s best real estate companies. They recognize organizations that are moving the dial through commercial success, as well as commitments to technological advances and sustainability initiatives that are improving the industry. For additional information related to the Euromoney 2024 awards please visit:
About Colliers
Colliers (NASDAQ, TSX: CIGI) is a leading global diversified professional services company, specializing in commercial real estate services, engineering consultancy and investment management. With operations in 70 countries, our 22,000 enterprising professionals provide exceptional service and expert advice to clients. For nearly 30 years, our experienced leadership – with substantial inside ownership – has consistently delivered approximately 20% compound annual investment returns for shareholders. With annual revenues exceeding $4.5 billion and $99 billion of assets under management, Colliers maximizes the potential of property, infrastructure and real assets to accelerate the success of our clients, investors and people. Learn more at, X @Colliers or LinkedIn.
Media Contact
Andrea Cheung
Senior Manager, Global Integrated Communications
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