Blackstone Credit & Insurance Announces $1 Billion Infrastructure Loan Portfolio Purchase From S
Blackstone and Santander Corporate & Investment Banking today announced an agreement under which funds managed by Blackstone Credit & Insurance (“BXCI”) will acquire interests in a $1 billion portfolio of high-quality infrastructure loans from Santander. The portfolio comprises loans that finance assets located largely in Western Europe and the US across the digital infrastructure, utility scale renewable, energy efficiency and transportation sectors.
Robert Horn, Global Head of Infrastructure & Asset Based Credit at BXCI, said: “This transaction is consistent with our approach to working with leading financial institutions on large-scale, long-term, efficient solutions that support their capital goals.”
Marcel Patiño, Global Head of Private Debt Mobilization at Santander CIB, said: “We are delighted to partner with Blackstone on this strategic transaction as we look to streamline our balance sheet while supporting further growth by Santander as a leading advisor and arranger in the Structured Finance space.”
Jacob Nowack, Managing Director at BXCI, added: “We are excited to work with Santander to further scale our relationship as it aligns with Blackstone’s deep roots in the infrastructure credit market and BXCI’s focus on increasing its investment activities in Europe.”
BXCI’s Infrastructure and Asset Based Credit platform manages over $80 billion and has over 70 investment professionals, among the largest in the asset-backed marketplace. The platform is focused on providing investment grade credit, non-investment grade credit, and structured investments across the real economy in sectors such as digital infrastructure, energy transition infrastructure, consumer finance, commercial finance, and residential real estate.
Santander CIB is one of the leading banks globally in energy and infrastructure advisory and financings, offering tailored solutions to both corporate and institutional clients.
About Blackstone Credit & Insurance
Blackstone Credit & Insurance (“BXCI”) is one of the world’s leading credit investors. Our investments span the credit markets, including private investment grade, asset based lending, public investment grade and high yield, sustainable resources, infrastructure debt, collateralized loan obligations, direct lending and opportunistic credit. We seek to generate attractive risk-adjusted returns for institutional and individual investors by offering companies capital needed to strengthen and grow their businesses. BXCI is also a leading provider of investment management services for insurers, helping those companies better deliver for policyholders through our world-class capabilities in investment grade private credit.
About Santander
Banco Santander (SAN SM) is a leading commercial bank, founded in 1857 and headquartered in Spain and one of the largest banks in the world by market capitalization. The group’s activities are consolidated into five global businesses: Retail & Commercial Banking, Digital Consumer Bank, Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB), Wealth Management & Insurance and Payments (PagoNxt and Cards). This operating model allows the bank to better leverage its unique combination of global scale and local leadership. Santander aims to be the best open financial services platform providing services to individuals, SMEs, corporates, financial institutions and governments. The bank’s purpose is to help people and businesses prosper in a simple, personal and fair way. Santander is building a more responsible bank and has made a number of commitments to support this objective, including raising €220 billion in green financing between 2019 and 2030. At the end of the third quarter of 2024, Banco Santander had €1.3 trillion in total funds, 171 million customers, 8,100 branches and 208,000 employees.
Santander Corporate & Investment Banking (Santander CIB) is Santander’s global division that supports corporate and institutional clients, offering tailored services and value-added wholesale products suited to their complexity and sophistication, as well as to responsible banking standards that contribute to the progress of society.
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