The Cryptomus exchange release: One Account, Endless Possibilities
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Dec. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Cryptomus team announced the release of its own centralized exchange for more beneficial crypto trading on the 13th of December. This exchange with the opportunity of spot trading includes all the advantages of digital trading, such as low commissions from 0.1 to -0.01%, an intuitive UI, the global crypto community, and more.
Cryptomus exchange is a comprehensive cryptocurrency spot trading platform, combining the simplicity of interacting with crypto, consistent liquidity, and all the effectiveness and profits of digital trading. Low commissions and no fees for withdrawals, an array of in-built tools and wide-device acceptance, support for 18 languages, and even more––it’s what Cryptomus can offer users to utilize all chances for successful trading.
Cryptomus provides traders with the most affordable terms to get the best results: the maker fee is from 0.08% to -0.01%, and the taker one is from 0.1% to 0.04%. Also, there are no deposit fees, and the exchange doesn’t charge any additional fees when withdrawing funds. The only expenses are the standard network fee, which goes to maintaining the security of the blockchain.
In terms of security, Cryptomus excels in trust and quality, so its infrastructure guarantees secure storage of funds, which is confirmed by the passed security audit from Certik. Traders can freely enable 2FA (two-factor authentication) and can be confident about their assets’ safety. The platform conducts transaction security checks at all levels due to the compliance with KYC/AML procedures. This fact makes the Cryptomus exchange a safe zone for operations, eliminating the risks of fraud and illegal transactions.
The strong and powerful crypto community of more than 400K crypto owners, which is constantly evolving and increasing due to the outstanding UX/UI design, is another point that attracts both regular traders and experienced investors worldwide. In addition to multilingual support, which helps users to feel more confident and decisive in trading despite location, Cryptomus also provides them with the convenient option of mobile trading via its impressive iOS app with all the features and benefits included. This allows every trader to be in touch with the cryptocurrency market on the go and always be able to pick a good deal.
The Cryptomus exchange contains a number of programs which will be exciting for any level trader to maximize and stabilize the profit. The most beneficial affiliate and referral programs, the broker one with broker codes to utilize and the market maker program with an API and special trading conditions available; these significant additions can efficiently help traders to use all the potential of cryptocurrency spot trading.
Cryptomus is a multi-functional cryptocurrency platform providing users with a wide range of impressive financial tools for safe crypto transaction execution and efficient business assistance. Reliable and enjoyable interaction with digital assets is a priority, so Cryptomus offers the best terms and favorable commissions for traders and investors, desiring to expand their financial choice and maximize profits.
Check the Cryptomus official website and follow the service updates on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Telegram.
Company: Cryptomus
Contact person: Mary, PR manager, Telegram @pr_cryptomus
Country: Vancouver, Canada
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