Tokyo Haneda Remains 3rd Busiest Airport in the World for 2024 OAG latest Rankings Confirm
Asia-Pacific Airports Shine in Global Rankings
Key Findings:
- Tokyo Haneda (HND) maintains its position as the 3rd busiest airport worldwide, with a 4.8% year-on-year capacity growth.
- Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson (ATL) retains its title as the World’s Busiest Airport.
- Shanghai Pudong International Airport (PVG) emerges as the fastest-growing airport among the Top 10 busiest globally.
- Guangzhou Baiyun Airport (CAN) achieves recognition as a new entrant to the global Top 10 busiest airports since 2019.
- Seoul Incheon (ICN) ranks as highest Asia-Pacific airport for international seat capacity followed by Singapore Changi (SIN) and Hong Kong (HKG).
SINGAPORE, Jan. 14, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OAG, the leading data platform for the global travel industry, today revealed its 2024 Busiest Airports in the world.
Tokyo Haneda (HND) maintains its position as the 3rd busiest airport worldwide (International and Domestic seat capacity) achieving a 4.8% year-on-year capacity growth, to reach an impressive 55.2 million seats.
Joining HND in the Top Ten are Guangzhou Baiyun (CAN) (7th position) and Shanghai Pudong (PVG) (9th position), which climbs from 15th to 9th place in just one year, driven by a 29% year-on-year capacity growth. This makes it the fastest-growing airport in the global Top 10.
Meanwhile Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (ATL) retains its position as the World’s Busiest Airport with 62.7 million seats. It is followed by Dubai International Airport (DXB) in second place and London Heathrow (LHR) in fourth.
When it comes to international seat capacity Seoul Incheon (ICN) is the highest ranked Asia Pacific airport handling 41.6 million international seats and climbing from 7th place in 2023 to 3rd in 2024.
Singapore Changi (SIN) emerges as a close contender with 41.5M scheduled seats, followed by Hong Kong (HKG) with 34.6M seats, showcasing an impressive 40% year-on-year capacity growth. Both hubs remain powerhouses for connectivity and serve as key transit hubs in the region.
OAG’s Head of Asia Pacific, Mayur Patel commented:
"Our latest rankings confirm the strength of the Asian market recovery through 2024, with Shanghai Pudong the fastest growing amongst the top ten entrants and Guangzhou Baiyun International entering the list for the first time. The strength of hubs like Seoul Incheon, Singapore Changi, and Hong Kong highlights the region’s critical role in global connectivity and catering to evolving traveler demands.”
Find full rankings and methodology on OAG’s website.
About OAG
OAG is a leading data platform for the global travel industry offering an industry-first single source for supply, demand, and pricing data.
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