STAR Systems International Acquires V Track ID to Propel Innovation in Tolling Industry
SINGAPORE, Jan. 15, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STAR Systems International, a global leader in tolling technology, announced today the acquisition of V Track ID, a cutting-edge technology company that has pioneered new developments in vehicle connectivity and data gathering. This strategic acquisition is set to enhance STAR Systems’ offerings and accelerate innovation.
V Track ID’s patented technology is designed for gathering data on vehicles, operators, and freight with the use of current installed infrastructure and technologies. The V Track ID platform can be used to facilitate a wide range of applications such as road usage charging, toll collection, managing commercial vehicle compliance and certification, detailed fleet management, and more. In addition, this technology can be implemented with existing roadside and back-office systems without additional infrastructure. Smartphone applications can also be integrated with this platform, creating an efficient and secure network among vehicles, mobile applications, and roadside systems.
As smart vehicles, automatic vehicle identification (AVI) technology, and intelligent infrastructure continue to evolve, V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything) communication is becoming increasingly essential for enhancing safety and operational efficiency. V Track ID’s technology bridges the gap from current RFID transponder capabilities towards V2X, minimizing the need for extensive construction or system changes.

STAR Systems, through its high-performance RFID readers and transponders, enables seamless vehicle identification and tracking. With V Track ID’s platform, in-vehicle transponders could connect to surrounding systems, allowing for T2X (Transponder-to-Everything) and ensuring interoperability that serves numerous application markets. Through the acquisition of V Track ID, STAR Systems is taking steps to prepare for a future where RFID technology can connect vehicles, toll systems, and other system infrastructure for increased efficiency and real-time data exchange.
“This acquisition significantly enhances STAR Systems’ portfolio of innovative solutions in the Tolling and Vehicle Identification sectors, solidifying our leadership in the market. V Track ID’s platform for sharing data directly from vehicles, combined with its security measures and flexibility, ensures its usage across many applications. We are excited to integrate V Track ID’s advanced technologies into our portfolio and deliver unparalleled benefits to customers worldwide,” stated Ava Tang, Chief Operating Officer of STAR Systems International.
For more information about our advanced tolling solutions tolling readers, transponders, and other innovative automatic vehicle identification products and solutions, contact STAR Systems at
About STAR Systems International
Founded in 2013, STAR Systems International is a world leader in Automatic Vehicle Identification Technologies. STAR Systems focuses on providing best-in-class transponders, readers and professional consulting services for Smart City Initiatives, including Electronic Tolling (ETC), Congestion/Road Use Charging, Electronic Vehicle Registration (EVR), Express/HOT Lane, Fleet Management, Parking and Secure Access Control applications.
STAR Systems strives to ensure customer success by leveraging the Company’s technical expertise and implementation experience. For more information, please visit
Media Contact
Zhihan Chen
+(1) 469-838-2649
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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