European Fruit and Vegetables Lands on Chinese Social Networks
The project ‘The European Art of Taste: Fruit & Veg Masterpieces’ stars 12 live streams dedicated to the products of the campaign on the Chinese social network RED
BEIJING, Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Seven famous Chinese influencers will guide you through the excellence of European fruit and vegetable products to end the year in quality: kiwi, apple, processed tomato, and orange juice will be featured in a series of live streams on RED.
12 unmissable appointments chaired by well-known faces on the Chinese digital scene such as: Xiaoxiao (小小), Qiu Qiu (168的秋秋), Jing Ruyang (景如洋), Li Luer (李璐尔), This is Miaomiao (我是喵喵呀), Mao Er (我家毛二), and fayeer嘉琪. The influencers will range from the classic world of food and beverages to touch upon the lifestyle and baby care worlds as well, just to testify to the versatility of these products and their countless benefits.
Each live show will present the 4 products and will be a unique opportunity to explore their freshness and genuineness: these fruit and vegetable products come from a rigorous production chain and meet the highest quality standards, guaranteeing food safety and excellence. Starting with the Mediterranean culinary tradition and its authentic flavours, you will be inspired by the experts' advice and learn new tasty recipes to integrate into your daily diet. You will discover the secrets behind the goodness of these four products, with a special focus on their many health benefits: they are rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and fibre, and are a true cure-all for everyone.
‘The European Art of Taste: Fruit & Veg Masterpieces’ is a three-year project financed by the European Union and CSO Italy that aims precisely to present and enhance the freshness and quality of European fruit and vegetable products by increasing their knowledge, competitiveness, and consumption. The focus on food is able to create a real cultural bridge between Europe and Asia: using the communicative power of social media, the campaign aims, in fact, to bring its products to tables throughout China.
If you don't want to miss the opportunity to discover the art of European taste and all the secrets hidden in these natural works of art, follow the live streaming on RED and be won over by their versatility and quality!
Press Office:
Renato Pagani - - + 39 335 6939561
Giorgia Rizzi -
News about The European Art of Taste and CSO Italy
The project The European Art of Taste – Fruit & Veg Masterpieces aims to promote and inform about high-quality European fruits and vegetables and is financed by CSO Italy and the European Union. The following Italian companies also participate in the project: RK Growers, Mazzoni Group, Apofruit, Origine Group e Oranfrizer.
CSO Italy, founded in 1998, is a unique entity in Italy that associates many of Italy's leading companies in the production and marketing of domestic fruit and vegetables. Completing the range of members are important companies specializing in different areas of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, from packaging, logistics, processing, machinery, and distribution. CSO Italy's mission is to provide useful services to members to improve and make the Italian fruit and vegetable industry more efficient and competitive. A technical table at the service of the entire Italian fruit and vegetable supply chain to increase its competitiveness through synergy among operators. CSO ITALY, has 73 members, distributed as follows: 51 producer members, 14 supply chain members, 3 subsidizing members and 5 supporting bodies.
Funded by the European Union. However, the views expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the awarding administration can be held responsible for them.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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