Kids Help Phone Launches acceleratorKHP Globally during Davos 2025
Revolutionizing Youth Mental Health Support Worldwide
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Jan. 22, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Following a successful Canadian launch at the Elevate Festival in October, Kids Help Phone (KHP) debuts acceleratorKHP during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. acceleratorKHP is the pathway to the next generation of youth mental health and well-being support - putting young people at the centre of their experience in ways never before possible. acceleratorKHP will help address the growing mental health crisis globally and deliver a personalized experience with and for youth along with deep clinical expertise and leading technology partners.
For over 35 years, KHP has been a safe and trusted space for young people to Feel Out Loud, often serving as the only place where they feel comfortable sharing what's on their mind. 75% of KHP users share something they've never told anyone before, and KHP has facilitated over 22 million interactions with youth across Canada since 2020. By blending leading-edge technology with the empathy of clinical experts, KHP is uniquely positioned to deliver transformative solutions to meet the evolving needs of youth. Leveraging KHP's unparalleled expertise, including the largest youth mental health dataset in Canada, state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) tools, and decades of experience, acceleratorKHP is revolutionizing youth mental health solutions.
“The global launch of acceleratorKHP at Davos 2025 represents a transformative milestone for Kids Help Phone and giant leap forward for youth mental health solutions worldwide,” said Katherine Hay, President & CEO, Kids Help Phone. “As a global thought leader in e-mental health innovation, we are committed to responding to the complex needs of youth through strategic partnerships and global collaboration. acceleratorKHP represents the future of mental health and wellness solutions, putting young people at the centre of their care.”
acceleratorKHP builds on the success of KHP's Feel Out Loud movement by introducing innovative tools like Resources Around Me. This free platform connects young people, families, and communities to over 40,000 trusted services across Canada, including a comprehensive database of certified mental health and wellbeing apps. Additional key projects include:
- Aselo – KHP's best-in-class contact centre platform that automates tasks for counsellors so they can dedicate less effort to administration and devote more time to their clinical expertise.
- Service Deserts/ Micro-Targeting Services – KHP's service-gap mapping and data-visualization tool.
- Trend-Spotting Insights Dashboard – A tool that analyzes how people engage with wellness topics on social media, enabling KHP to gain a deeper understanding of online conversations and the ways youth prefer to interact with mental health content in digital spaces.
- FAIIR: Frontline Assistant Issue Identification and Recommendation – KHP's FAIIR model is a novel AI prototype that can reliably and automatically predict clinical concerns in conversations and translate the language youth are using into a clinical context.
By extending its reach worldwide, KHP aims to spark a global movement that prioritizes youth mental well-being at the heart of the conversation.
To join the movement and learn more about acceleratorKHP, visit
Fast Facts
- KHP's has the most unique dataset of its kind in Canada with 45M+ real-time, real-language data points in the voices of youth and what they are experiencing in any moment.
- 75% of service users tell KHP something they've never told anyone before.
- Suicide is the second leading cause of death for youth in Canada. Canada has the third highest youth suicide rate for all developed countries. Nearly a quarter of service interactions with KHP are related to suicide.
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About Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone (KHP) is Canada's trailblazing 24/7 e-mental health solution and a global leader in youth mental health innovation. For over 35 years, KHP has been the space for any feeling or issue, no matter how big or small, empowering young people across Canada to feel out loud with free, confidential, multilingual support. With innovation in our DNA, KHP continually evolves by blending technology with empathy to better serve youth. In 2024, KHP launched acceleratorKHP to drive scalable solutions for complex mental health issues, amplifying youth voices and fostering global partnerships. By redefining mental health care through e-solutions, KHP is setting a global standard for transformative impact, shaping the future of mental wellness and ensuring every young person thrives. Join KHP in reshaping the mental health landscape and unlocking hope through innovation. Discover more at .
Brielle Goulart
Kids Help Phone
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