Teledyne FLIR IIS launches Forge 1GigE SWIR camera series featuring Sony SenSWIR IMX990 sensors
RICHMOND, British Columbia, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Teledyne FLIR IIS, a Teledyne Technologies [NYSE:TDY] company, is pleased to introduce the Forge®️ 1GigE SWIR (Short Wave Infrared) 1.3 MP camera.
The first camera in the Forge 1GigE SWIR series is equipped with a wide-band and high-sensitivity Sony®️ SenSWIR™️ 1.3 MP IMX990 InGaAs sensor. The advanced sensor captures images across both visible light and SWIR light spectrums (VisSWIR) with 5μm pixels, providing an extended spectral range from 400nm to 1700nm. This capability enhances anomaly detection and material analysis, making it ideal for applications such as industrial semiconductor inspection, food and beverage quality control, recycling, security surveillance, environmental monitoring, precision farming, and more.
“We're excited to introduce the Forge SWIR camera series to grow our imaging portfolio from the visible spectrum to SWIR wavelengths,” said Sadiq Panjwani, General Manager at Teledyne IIS. “The series expands on Teledyne's SWIR line scan expertise to boost a range of 2D area scan applications such as industrial inspection, environmental monitoring, and recycling.”
The new camera features a design measuring 40mm x 40mm x 43mm that balances a compact size with superior image quality. Forge 1GigE SWIR includes advanced camera features such as Pixel Correction, Sequencer with ROI (Region of Interest), Logic Block, and Counter which provide reliable and precise control for variety of complex applications.
All IIS cameras are supported by Teledyne software development kits (SDK) Spinnaker® 4 and Sapera™ Processing and a powerful Trigger-to-Image Reliability (T2IR) framework. T2IR is a set of programmable functions within the Teledyne SDK that combine hardware and software features that work together at a system level to help improve the reliability and accuracy of inspection systems.
For more information about the new Forge 1GigE SWIR camera model, visit the website.
See live demonstrations of Forge 1GigE SWIR at this upcoming event:
- VISION, October 8-10, 2024 | Booth 8B10 | Messe Stuttgart | Stuttgart, Germany
About Teledyne FLIR IIS
Teledyne FLIR IIS (Integrated Imaging Solutions), a Teledyne Technologies company, designs, develops, manufactures, markets, and distributes industrial-grade technologies that enhance productivity and development. The company provides innovative sensing solutions through machine vision, spherical imaging, and stereo-imaging technologies. Teledyne FLIR IIS offers a diversified portfolio that serves a wide variety of applications in industrial, medical, geospatial, and advanced robotics markets. For more information, visit the homepage.
Media Contact:
Farhad Kazi
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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