Cority Acquires Meddbase, Innovator in Occupational Health and Enterprise Practice Management Softwa
Market-leading clinical software to join the comprehensive Cority Health Cloud
TORONTO, Jan. 23, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cority, the global leader in enterprise Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) and Sustainability software, today announced its acquisition of Meddbase, a pioneer in cloud-native occupational medicine and enterprise medical practice management software solutions. This acquisition strengthens Cority's 40-year commitment to the betterment of workforce well-being, accelerating the development of a comprehensive occupational health offering that improves employee outcomes and creates revenue growth opportunities for occupational health service providers.
Founded in 2004, Meddbase was the first cloud-native clinical software solution designed for healthcare providers in the UK. The company has since expanded its offerings to include occupational health, electronic health records, and private healthcare management solutions, serving clients across North America, Europe, and Australia. Meddbase's feature-rich platform brings together clinical management, scheduling, billing, and administrative tools, earning a reputation for flexibility, security, and scalability.
“Meddbase has a track record of delivering exceptional value to healthcare providers through its secure and adaptable clinical solutions,” said Ryan Magee, Cority CEO. “This acquisition aligns with Cority's mission to empower organizations to care for their people, reduce risks, and improve operational performance. Together, we will set a new standard of excellence in occupational medicine and workforce wellbeing with a comprehensive and scalable software suite.”
Meeting market demand for smarter occupational health solutions
Together, Cority and Meddbase are poised to address the increasing demand for occupational medicine solutions that support hospitals, healthcare systems, and organizations providing occupational health services to employers within their communities.
According to the American Hospital Association, nearly half of U.S. hospitals operated at a financial loss between 2019 and 2022, underscoring the need for innovative new streams of revenue for this market. Additionally, as employers seeking to reduce injury and illness rates increasingly seek occupational health services, healthcare providers must adopt tools designed specifically for communicating between provider, patient, and employer while offering personalized services to meet the unique needs of each business. When combined, these two market trends require solutions for driving efficient and quality healthcare for employees as well as streamlined billing management to maximize revenue potential.
Key benefits of the acquisition include:
- Proven Solutions: With over 40 years of history, Cority has long been recognized as a leader in the occupational health market. Meddbase brings its leading-edge clinical solutions and over two decades of specialized experience to build on the company's existing track record. Bringing together the best of these solutions will enhance flexibility, improve efficiency, and enable better care.
- Broader Market Coverage and Support: Meddbase brings a strong presence in the UK, EMEA, and Australia regions, strengthening Cority's existing footprint. The Meddbase team also augments Cority's support coverage in the areas of occupational health and private practice healthcare expertise extending the reach of the Cority offerings
- Accelerated Best-in-Class Product Development: Combining best-in-class technologies and breadth of industry knowledge across the combined team, Cority will be able to build upon its existing solutions to deliver a comprehensive, leading-edge occupational medicine solution to market faster.
As part of the acquisition, Meddbase's solutions will become part of Cority's Health Cloud, a comprehensive suite of healthcare management solutions including industry-leading offerings for occupational health and industrial hygiene. All of Cority's solutions – both built and acquired – eventually are integrated and connected through CorityOne, the company's expanding EHS and sustainability ecosystem, providing a single place for better insights, collaboration, and decisions across an organization.
Following Cority's proven integration framework, an updated product roadmap for the combined healthcare solutions will be developed over the next 90 days, focused on maximizing the value to customers. This will also guide the seamless unification of teams, technology, and brands.
“Meddbase's mission to put people at the center of healthcare aligns perfectly with Cority's vision,” said Will Temple, managing director and co-founder of Meddbase . “We are excited to join forces with Cority to deliver cutting-edge solutions that empower healthcare providers to improve patient outcomes and operational efficiency.”
About Cority
Cority gives every employee from the field to the boardroom the power to make a difference, reducing risks and creating a safer, healthier, and more sustainable world. For over 35 years, Cority's people-first software solutions have been built by EHS and sustainability experts who know the pressures businesses face. Time-tested, scalable, and configurable, CorityOne is the responsible business platform that combines datasets from across the organization to enable improved efficiencies, actionable insights, data-driven decisions, and more accurate reporting on performance. Trusted by over 1,500 organizations worldwide, Cority deeply cares about helping people work toward a better future for everyone. To learn more, visit
About Meddbase
Founded in 2004, Meddbase is a leading cloud-native clinical software provider offering secure and configurable solutions for healthcare providers. Serving clients across the UK, North America, Europe, and Australia, Meddbase delivers innovative tools for consultations, billing, reporting, and more to improve operational efficiency and patient care.
Media Contact
Natalie Rizk
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